September 2011 Executive Committee Meeting


Meeting Minutes

3pm, September 15, 2011
St Simons, GA

I.    Call to Order                                    Elizabeth McKinney

Elizabeth McKinney, PINES Program Director called meeting to order.   Members present were Laura Harrison, Dusty Gres, Anne Isbell, Sandy Hester, Jean Turn, Linda Keane, Susan Sexton-Cooley and Carrie Zeiger.  Barry Reese was present via dial-in access.  PINES/GPLS staff present: Lamar Veatch, Julie Walker, Elizabeth McKinney, Chris Sharp and Elaine Hardy.  Several representatives from member libraries were also in attendance.

II.    Welcome                Elizabeth McKinney

Elizabeth McKinney welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending and participating.

III.    Election of Chair, Incoming Chair and Secretary                Elizabeth McKinney

Barry Reese was nominated for Chair.  Jean Turn moved nominations be closed.  The motion as seconded and passed.  Carrie Zeiger was nominated as Vice-Chair, Chair Elect.  Anne Isbell moved nominations be closed.  The motion was seconded and passed.  Jean Turn was nominated as secretary.  Anne Isbell moved nominations be closed.  The motion was seconded and passed.  All nominated officers were approved by acclamation.  Chair Barry Reese was participating using mobile dial-in access and was unable to preside due to the instability of the connection, therefore Carrie Zeiger assumed the duty of presiding officer.

IV.    Approval of May 4, 2011 Minutes                     Carrie Zeiger, presiding officer

Susan Sexton-Cooley moved to accept the May 4, 2011 PINES Executive meeting minutes.  The motion was seconded and passed.

V.    Review of the May, 2011 PINES Annual Meeting Minutes        Carrie Zeiger,    presiding officer

The 2010 date was corrected to 2011.

III.    PINES Staff Reports

  • Statistical Reports - Elizabeth McKinney presented an Overdue Materials report and 2011 intraPINES loans statistics report.
  • Training – Chris Sharp has held trainings at Uncle Remus and Clayton County.  He will be starting a project with Jay Turner to standardize PINES trainings.
  • Cataloging Boot Camp Recap- Elaine Hardy reported that survey results were overwhelmingly positive.  RDA will be implemented after 2013.  
  • Acquisitions – Elizabeth McKinney stated that the working group could not fully test the functionality of the module against PINES requirements.  Consequently, they could not make a recommendation to approve the acquisitions module.  Plans are for additional testing.  King County and Evergreen Indiana are unhappy with some aspects of the module.  Elizabeth will organize and host an acquisitions summit with these libraries for the purpose of discussing the module.
  • Database Cleanup – is complete.  Before the cleanup 39% of the database was made up of OCLC records.  After the cleanup it was 75% OCLC records.
  • Status of Bucket Project and PINES 2.0-Chris Sharp and Elizabeth McKinney - Nov. 11, 2011is the target date for the move to 2.0.  Testing will begin in October.  Server clusters are being built now.  Some new features will be rolled out after the initial migration to 2.0.
  • FY 12 Budget – Elizabeth McKinney –Per stop courier service has been given a discount.  Telephone notices of overdue items have resulted in significant savings.  Expense for equipment will be much lower than in previous years.  Future budgets will include an equipment replacement program.  Money was saved from vacant positions, a software development freeze, and the use of LSTA funds.
  • Staffing – Elizabeth McKinney– As a result of January’s staff audit, PINES will be hiring four new positions, two of which will be shared with the IT group.  Each person on staff is the functional lead for a particular area.  In addition, each functional lead will have a staff member as backup for that function.  Other roles have no functional lead right now.  Plans include having functional leads for all roles and developing standards.
  • Projected Path – Elizabeth McKinney – RFPs were issued for reports development.  One bid was received.  The bid was awarded to Emerald Data.  RFPs for support and software development resulted in no bids.  These projects were rebid, and the bids have just been received.  It must be decided whether to continue to outsource support and software development, do those tasks in house, or in some combination of in house and outsource.  
  • Moving to overdue phone notification has saved over $10,000 in the first 45 days.

IV.    Executive Committee Action Items        

  • AI1. Proposal to create a PINES policy to add 1901-01-01 (or some other agreed upon date) as a dummy date when editing/fixing bad records.  Sandy Hester moved to accept the subcommittee’s recommendation and to confirm that the dummy date will be 1901-01-01.  The motion was seconded and passed.

V.    Executive Committee Discussion Items

  • Scanning cards on handheld device at self-check machines with required PIN.
    • Elizabeth McKinney will investigate developing an app that will authenticate the barcode.  Cost is to be determined.  A requirements document will be developed.
  • After PINES 2.0, E-books will be rolled out.
  • Are systems interested in on-line bill payment?  Yes.
  • SIP2 standards
    • Elizabeth McKinney said they are still on the table until 2.0.  She will find out what additional information will be required.
  • PINES Bag Purchase tabulation – Elizabeth McKinney– Members at the annual meeting approved a requirement that systems purchase bags.  Estimated cost is based on $4 per bag.  This is arbitrarily high.  GPLS will send invoices to individual systems.  Money received from the systems will go into the Foundation account.  All monies must be received before an order will be placed.  Julie Walker will check with Randy Sanders to make sure there is no audit issue concerning pre-paying for the bags.  Payments will be due in approximately six weeks.
  • Sandy Hester asked when the courier facilities had last been inspected.  Dusty Gres recommended an audit be done due to the high number of old in-transits.  Elizabeth McKinney will investigate the matter.  Including the University system in the PINES courier service has not started yet, but Alan Harkness will soon start working on it.

VI.    Old Business - none

VII.    New Business - none

VIII.    Next Meeting

Dec. 7 at 1pm in conjunction with December Directors’ meeting.

IX.  Adjournment   

Sandy Hester moved the meeting be adjourned.  The motion was seconded and approved.