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Transit List

The Transit List feature provides a method for quickly reporting which items are in transit to or from a library with a common set of date ranges. To use, go to:

Administration > Local Administration > Transit List

Choose whether you wish to see Transits To or Transits From a particular library, and choose the date range for which those items went into transit. The date range will default to today's date.

Transit list parameters

The transit list should be monitored regularly to determine whether all items that are in transit are checked in properly at their destination. If an item is in transit for more than three weeks, it is advisable to do a shelf-check at both the sending and receiving branch locations. When an item seems to get 'lost' in transit, it is usually because of one of the following reasons:

  • It is put into transit but then accidentally shelved at the sending location rather than being put in the outgoing transit bags.
  • It is received from transit but then accidentally shelved without being properly checked in.
  • It is put into transit but then accidentally put into the wrong outgoing transit bag.
  • It is put into transit but then damage is spotted and it is set aside for repairs or discards without being taken out of transit status.
admin/features/transit-list.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/03 20:51 by smorrison