Library Settings Editor
Most library settings are set using this interface:
Administration > Local Administration > Library Settings Editor
Many of the settings visible here are set globally by PINES staff, but the following settings can be changed at the system or branch level by Local Admins. If you have questions about any of these settings, please contact PINES staff via the Help Desk.
- Default Item Price – This sets the price of items where the actual price is not listed in the item record.
- Library Information URL - This sets the URL for your library’s website, which is visible to patrons in the OPAC. (If you change this, please inform PINES staff since it will also need to be changed in other directories.)
- Long-Overdue Materials Processing Fee - This sets the amount charged for a processing fee for long-overdue items in your library system. (If you change this, please inform PINES staff since it will also need to be updated in the documentation.)
- Lost Materials Processing Fee – This sets the amount charged for a processing fee for lost items in your library/system. (If you change this, please inform PINES staff since it will also need to be updated in the documentation.)
- OPAC Inactivity Timeout (in seconds) – This setting defines how much time a patron can be idle at an OPAC before being automatically logged out. System default is 7 minutes (420 seconds). (PLEASE NOTE: This affects patrons both inside the library and logged in from home.)
- Selfcheck: Patron Login Timeout (in seconds) – This sets a timeout for a patron logged into Evergreen’s built-in selfcheck interface.
- Sending email address for patron notices – This allows library staff to set the email address that will appear as the sending address to the patrons who receive automated email and SMS text messages. It may be set at the branch level or at the system level. This address will receive bounced emails so that library staff can mark email addresses invalid in patron accounts. If not set, emails will use the main contact email address for the library as the sending address. See also: SPF Record
- Staff Login Inactivity Timeout (in seconds) – This setting defines how much time a staff member can be idle at a staff client before being automatically logged out.
Settings may be changed by clicking “Edit” beside the setting you are trying to change. A box will pop up, sometimes containing a description of the setting, sometimes not. “Context” allows you to set at which level you would like to have your settings apply. If settings are applied at the system level, they will also apply to all system branches. If set for the individual library, the settings will be limited to that one library. “Delete Setting” will remove the setting’s values from your library and restore them to the system default.
The number of available library settings has grown exponentially over the last few years. You can type keywords into the “Filter” box to filter out irrelelvant settings.