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Non-Cataloged Types Editor

Each of the PINES library systems that wishes to circulate items that are not cataloged and that do not generate fines (i.e., “honor system” materials such as inexpensive paperbacks or magazines) can set up “non-cataloged types” for circulation and statistical purposes. These are configured at:

Administration > Local Administration > Non-Cataloged Types Editor

To add a new non-cataloged type, click the New Non-cataloged Type button and fill out the form. In this example, a new “Paperback Mystery” type will be created that can be used for all of the branches of ARCPLS:

Non-cataloged type editor

The In House option is used to generate statistics for items that do not actually get checked out or leave the library. In-house use circulations are entered by circulation staff under Circulation > Record In House Use.

After creating this, circulation staff will see it as an option on the Check Out screen when checking items out, and statistics will be generated that are available through circulation reports. Items that are checked out this way will appear on the patron receipts and will automatically drop off of the patrons' accounts after the designated time period (regardless of whether the item is returned or not). No overdue fines or other charges will be generated for these items.

Non-cataloged type barcode dropdown in Check Out screen

admin/settings/non-cat-types.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/09 16:07 by smorrison