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RSS Feed for New Books

The Evergreen system automatically produces an Atom feed of new materials that is updated each time a new item is added to a library's collection and can be read by any RSS/Atom news reader app. It is sorted by the most recently added items first, and will page through to older items indefinitely. (These feeds do not take publication date into account, so if a new copy of an older title is purchased, it will appear in the new materials list.) The feeds are available for each library system and branch in the format below. In these examples, the “ARL” is the system, the “-ATH” indicates a specific branch, the “1” is the starting page, and the “20” is the number of titles that should appear on each page.

The feeds are also automatically converted to web page format and linked off of the PINES home page under New Library Materials. You can also link directly to a feed using the library's shortname using the format below:

admin/settings/rss.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/16 19:18 by smorrison