Table of Contents
Shelving Locations
Shelving Locations (formerly known as Copy Locations) are used to identify where an item is located within a branch (for example, Reference or Stacks or AV) and also to set certain properties for all items within the shelving location (for example, holdability). They can be set at either the System or Branch level. System-level shelving locations will be available to all libraries in the system. Branch-level shelving locations are only available to the individual branch. The “PINES” shelving locations are unavailable, as they are administered by PINES/GPLS staff.
Setting Up and Editing Shelving Locations
Available by going to Administration > Local Administration Shelving Location Editor, then selecting the pertinent branch or system.
Existing Shelving Locations for the selected location appear in the lower part of the screen. The focus location can be changed via the “Focus Location” dropdown menu. Shelving Locations may be edited or deleted from this section.
The top interface allows you to create a new shelving location and has the following fields:
- Name – the text name for the Shelving Location, which is visible in the OPAC (for OPAC visible shelving locations).
- OPAC Visible – this sets whether items in this Shelving Location may be found in the OPAC by patron searches.
- Hold Verify – this setting is not used in PINES and its purpose is currently unknown. Please select “No” for this field.
- Holdable – this sets whether the items in this Shelving Location are eligible for patron hold requests.
- Circulate – this sets whether the items in this Shelving Location can circulate.
- Owning Library – allows you to set the owning library or system.
If a Shelving Location setting is set to “Yes,” then item-level settings determine OPAC visibility, holdability, and circulatability. If a Shelving Location setting is set to “No,” item-level settings are overridden.