Table of Contents
Statistical Categories Editors
As of the 3.12 upgrade in February 2024, the Statistical Categories Editor interface is split up into two interfaces for Patrons and Items. These interfaces allow your library system to set up or edit locally defined statistical categories (aka StatCats) for items or patrons. These statistical categories can then be set when adding patrons or cataloging items and then used to generate reports on item usage or patron statistics. Use of statistical categories is entirely optional and governed by local needs (with the exception of the Patron StatCat for “Non-English as a Primary Language,” which is required by PINES policy). This page gives an overview of creating patron statistical categories. For information on item statistical categories, please see Statistical Categories for Items.
Patron Statistical Categories
Library systems may choose to create Patron Statistical Categories to track customized types of information for their own patrons. Some libraries are using this feature to track how many patrons live in different congressional districts or how many juvenile patrons ride the school bus. Other libraries have found creative ways to use it, such as to track which staff member updated the patron record. Only staff members belonging to the library system that created the Patron Statistical Category will see the question/category when editing the patron record.
Creating a Statistical Category
- In the Evergreen Staff Client, go to Administration > Local Administration > Statistical Categories Editor - Patron.
- The editor will open, where you can set the following:
- Name: This is what will appear in the patron’s account.
- Owning Library: Select the library for which the stat cat applies.
- Required: Select this option if the category must be assigned a value when editing a patron’s account.
- OPAC Visible: Select this option if the category should be displayed in the patron’s account in the OPAC.
- User Summary: Select this option if the category and its value should be displayed in the patron summary view.
- Free Text: Select this option if the user can supply their own value for the category in a patron’s account.
- Checkout Archive: Select this option if the category and its values for the item should be archived with circulation data.
- SIP Field: Select the SIP field identifier that will contain the category and its value (if applicable).
- SIP Format: Specify the SIP format string (if applicable).
Creating Entries for a Statistical Category
Entries for patron stat cats are the values that will appear in the category’s dropdown menu in the patron’s account. To add entries for the stat cat:
- Repeat steps 2 through 3 until all values you would like to appear in the dropdown list for the stat cat are entered.
Editing a Statistical Category
After creating a stat cat, if you need to edit any of the fields, such as name or description:
- Double-click the stat cat to open the editor form.
- Make the desired changes.
- Click Save.
OR you can click on the stat cat, click the actions menu, and click Edit Selected.
Deleting a Statistical Category
To delete a stat cat:
- Click on the stat cat.
Answering the Statistical Category Question
Your new Patron Statistical Category question/category will appear in the Statistical Categories section toward the bottom of the patron registration form and the edit patron form.
Once the field is populated, whether using the dropdown or inputting free text, click Save.
Viewing an Individual Patron's Statistical Categories
- Open a patron account.
- Click the Other button.
- You will see the current answers / choices.
You may create reports on your system's custom statistical categories if needed. Here are a few pre-made templates in the reporter that may be helpful:
- List of Patrons by Permissions Profile and Statistical Category
- Patron Email Opt-In Statistical Category Report
- Monthly New Users by Demographic and Stat Cat
If you require assistance, please contact the Help Desk with details.