Table of Contents
Surveys can be created that appear on the patron registration/edit page for a branch or system. The Voter Registration question is an example of a survey that appears on all patron accounts for all locations. An example use case for creating a survey is to record whether patrons opt in to a monthly newsletter. Another option for this is to use a patron statistical category, though there are more detailed reporting capabilities with surveys.
Creating a New Survey
- Go to Administration > Local Administration > Surveys.
- Click the Add New Survey button. A popup will appear:
- Fill in the form.
- Name: Required. The name of the survey.
- Owning Library: Required. Your branch or system.
- Description: Required. A description about what the survey is/is for.
- Survey Start Date/Time: Required. The time must be set in the future to add questions.
- Survey End Date/Time: Required. It must be after the survey start time.
- OPAC Survey?: This is a placeholder for future development and does not currently do anything.
- Poll Style: This is a placeholder for future development and does not currently do anything.
- Is Required?: This will require an answer every time the patron account is updated.
- Display in User Summary: This is a placeholder for future development and does not currently do anything.
- The screen will refresh. You may need to sort by Survey Start Date or Owning Library to find the new survey you have created. Double-click to open it.
- Click Save again at the bottom of the form.
Answering a Survey in a Patron's Account
Once a survey's start date/time arrives, it will appear at the bottom of the patron registration form, and in the Edit tab of a patron's account.
To record the survey answer:
- Find the survey in the patron's account.
Ending a Survey
- Go to Administration > Local Administration > Surveys.
The system will not allow the deletion of a survey if a response has been recorded on a patron's account. Ending the survey will effectively remove the survey from patrons' accounts.
admin/settings/surveys.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/28 20:44 by smorrison