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Surveys can be created that appear on the patron registration/edit page for a branch or system. The Voter Registration question is an example of a survey that appears on all patron accounts for all locations. An example use case for creating a survey is to record whether patrons opt in to a monthly newsletter. Another option for this is to use a patron statistical category, though there are more detailed reporting capabilities with surveys.

Creating a New Survey

  1. Go to Administration > Local Administration > Surveys.
  2. Click the Add New Survey button. A popup will appear:
  3. Fill in the form.
    • Name: Required. The name of the survey.
    • Owning Library: Required. Your branch or system.
    • Description: Required. A description about what the survey is/is for.
    • Survey Start Date/Time: Required. The time must be set in the future to add questions.
    • Survey End Date/Time: Required. It must be after the survey start time.
    • OPAC Survey?: This is a placeholder for future development and does not currently do anything.
    • Poll Style: This is a placeholder for future development and does not currently do anything.
    • Is Required?: This will require an answer every time the patron account is updated.
    • Display in User Summary: This is a placeholder for future development and does not currently do anything.
  4. Click Save.
    Save Survey
  5. The screen will refresh. You may need to sort by Survey Start Date or Owning Library to find the new survey you have created. Double-click to open it.
  6. Click on the Questions and Answers tab.
    Survey Questions and Answers
  7. Type in your question and click Save Question & Add Answer.
    Save Question & Add Answer
  8. Enter each option answer and click the Add Answer button after each one.
    Add Answer
  9. Once all questions have been added, click the Edit Survey tab.
    Edit Survey
  10. Click Save again at the bottom of the form.

Answering a Survey in a Patron's Account

Once a survey's start date/time arrives, it will appear at the bottom of the patron registration form, and in the Edit tab of a patron's account.

To record the survey answer:

  1. Find the survey in the patron's account.
  2. Select the appropriate option from the dropdown.
    Survey example in patron account
  3. Click Save at the top of the patron's account.

Ending a Survey

  1. Go to Administration > Local Administration > Surveys.
  2. Select the survey you want to end, and from the actions dropdown, click End Survey Now.
    End Survey Now through Actions menu
  3. Or, double-click on the survey in the grid to open the survey form and click End Survey Now.
    End Survey Now through survey
The system will not allow the deletion of a survey if a response has been recorded on a patron's account. Ending the survey will effectively remove the survey from patrons' accounts.
admin/settings/surveys.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/28 20:44 by smorrison