Table of Contents
Receipt Content Reference
Any Type of Print Template
Tag | Notes |
{{}} | Current library's full name |
{{current_location.shortname}} | Current library's short name |
{{}} | Current library's email address |
{{}} | Current library's phone number |
{{includes.alert_text}} | Includes: Alert Text |
{{includes.event_text}} | Includes: Event Text |
{{includes.footer_text}} | Includes: Footer Text |
{{includes.header_text}} | Includes: Header Text |
{{includes.notice_text}} | Includes: Notice Text |
{{today}} | Today's time and date - raw data |
{{today|date:'short'}} | Readable time and date: 8/1/17 10:18 AM |
{{today|date:'M/d/yyyy'}} | Date only: 8/1/2017 |
{{staff.first_given_name}} | Staff first name |
See also:
For each print template below, the sections that say “Inside ng-repeat loop” indicate that the tag must appear inside the ng-repeat section of the print template and it will only work per item or per bill.
Bills, Current
Tag (Inside ng-repeat loop) | Notes |
{{xact.summary.balance_owed}} | Balance remaining |
{{xact.copy_barcode}} | Barcode |
{{}} | Bill ID |
{{xact.xact_start}} | Bill start date |
{{xact.summary.xact_type}} | Bill type (circulation vs. grocery) |
{{xact.summary.last_billing_note}} | Last billing note |
{{xact.summary.last_billing_type}} | Last billing type |
{{xact.summary.last_payment_note}} | Last payment note |
{{xact.summary.last_payment_type}} | Last payment type |
{{xact.title}} | Title |
{{xact.summary.total_owed}} | Total billed |
{{xact.summary.total_paid}} | Total paid |
Bills, Historical
Tag (Inside ng-repeat loop) | Notes |
{{}} | Bill ID |
{{xact.title}} | Title |
{{xact.copy_barcode}} | Barcode |
{{xact.summary.balance_owed}} | Balance remaining |
{{xact.summary.xact_type}} | Bill type (circulation vs. grocery) |
{{xact.summary.last_billing_type}} | Last billing type |
{{xact.summary.total_owed}} | Total billed |
{{xact.summary.total_paid|currency}} | Total paid |
{{xact.xact_start}} | Billing Start Date and Time |
{{xact.xact_finish}} | Billing Finish Date and Time |
{{xact.summary.last_billing_note}} | Last billing note |
{{xact.summary.last_billing_type}} | Last billing type |
{{xact.summary.last_payment_note}} | Last payment note |
{{xact.summary.last_payment_type}} | Last payment type |
{{xact.summary.total_owed}} | Total billed |
{{xact.summary.total_paid}} | Total paid |
Bills, Payment
Tag | Notes |
{{patron.first_given_name}} | Patron First Name |
{{patron.second_given_name}} | Patron Middle Name |
{{patron.family_name}} | Patron Last Name |
{{patron.suffix}} | Patron Name Suffix |
{{patron.card.barcode}} | Patron Barcode |
{{patron.expire_date}} | Account Expiration Date |
{{patron.alias}} | Alias |
{{patron.has_email}} | Has email? (true or false) |
{{patron.has_phone}} | Has phone? (true or false) |
{{payment_applied}} | Payment amount applied to bills |
{{payment_total}} | Payment total (if using this, also use change_given) |
{{change_given}} | Change given (if using this, also use payment_total) |
{{payment_note}} | Payment note |
{{payment_type}} | Payment type |
{{amount_voided}} | Amount voided |
<div ng-switch="payment_type"> <div ng-switch-when="cash_payment">Cash</div><div ng-switch-when="check_payment">Check</div> <div ng-switch-when="credit_card_payment">Credit Card</div> <div ng-switch-when="credit_payment">Patron Credit</div> <div ng-switch-when="work_payment">Work</div> <div ng-switch-when="forgive_payment">Forgive</div> <div ng-switch-when="goods_payment">Goods</div></div> | Payment type better display |
{{approval_code}} | Credit card approval code (after 3.8 upgrade) |
{{previous_balance}} | Previous balance |
{{new_balance}} | Remaining balance |
Tag (Inside ng-repeat loop) | Notes |
{{payment.xact.copy_barcode}} | Barcode |
{{payment.xact.summary.last_billing_type}} | Last billing type |
{{}} | Payment ID |
{{payment.amount}} | Payment received |
{{payment.xact.title}} | Title |
Tag (Inside ng-repeat loop) | Notes |
{{checkin.copy_barcode}} | Barcode |
{{checkin.call_number.label||"Not Cataloged"}} | Call Number (if no call number, displays “Not Cataloged”) |
{{checkout.call_number.record}} | Database ID |
{{checkin.title}} | Title |
Tag | Notes |
{{patron.first_given_name}} | Patron First Name |
{{patron.second_given_name}} | Patron Middle Name |
{{patron.family_name}} | Patron Last Name |
{{patron.suffix}} | Patron Name Suffix |
{{patron.card.barcode}} | Patron Barcode |
{{patron.expire_date}} | Account Expiration Date |
{{patron.money_summary.balance_owed}} | Amount Owed |
{{patron.alias}} | Alias |
{{patron.has_email}} | Has email? (true or false) |
{{patron.has_phone}} | Has phone? (true or false) |
Tag (Inside ng-repeat loop) | Notes |
{{}} | Author |
{{checkout.copy_barcode}} | Barcode |
{{checkout.call_number.label}} | Call Number |
{{checkout.copy.circ_modifier}} | Circulation Modifier |
{{checkout.call_number.record}} | Database ID |
{{checkout.circ.due_date}} | Due Date |
{{}} | Owning Library Full Name |
{{checkout.call_number.owning_lib.shortname}} | Owning Library Short (Policy) Name |
{{checkout.copy.price}} | Price |
{{checkout.title}} | Title |
Hold Pull List
Tag (Inside ng-repeat loop) | Notes |
{{}} | Author |
{{hold_data.copy.barcode}} | Barcode |
{{hold_data.volume.label}} | Call number |
{{hold_data.hold.hold_type}} | Hold type |
{{hold_data.part.label}} | Part |
{{}} | Shelving location |
{{hold.title}} | Title |
Hold Shelf Slip
Tag | Notes |
{{call_number.label}} | Call Number |
{{hold.shelf_time | date:'M/d/yyyy'}} | Hold available date |
<div ng-switch on="hold.behind_desk"><div ng-switch-when="t"><strong>Private - Hold Behind Desk</strong></div><div ng-switch-when="f"><strong>Public Holds Shelf</strong></div></div> | Hold location (Hold behind desk or public holds shelf) |
<ol><li ng-repeat="note in hold_notes|filter: {slip : 't'}"><strong>{{note.title}}</strong><br/>{{note.body}}</li></ol> | Hold notes |
{{hold.request_time | date:'M/d/yyyy'}} | Hold request date |
{{hold.shelf_expire_time | date:'M/d/yyyy'}} | Hold shelf expire date |
{{author}} | Item author |
{{copy.barcode}} | Item barcode |
{{title}} | Item title |
{{hold.email_notify}} | Returns true or false flag |
{{hold.phone_notify}} | Notification phone number |
{{hold.sms_notify}} | Notification SMS text number |
{{patron.card.barcode}} | Patron barcode |
{{}} | Patron email address |
{{patron.first_given_name}} | Patron first name |
{{patron.second_given_name}} | Patron middle name |
{{patron.family_name}} | Patron last name |
{{patron.pref_first_given_name}} | Preferred first name |
{{patron.pref_second_given_name}} | Preferred middle name |
{{patron.pref_family_name}} | Preferred last name |
{{patron.alias}} | Patron alias |
{{}} | Patron Permission Group* |
*Patron Permission Group: The receipt template preview will not show the permission group, but it will print on the actual receipt.
Hold Transit Slip
Tag | Notes |
{{}} | Destination city |
{{dest_courier_code}} | Destination courier code |
{{}} | Destination full name |
{{dest_location.shortname}} | Destination short name |
{{dest_address.state}} | Destination state |
{{dest_address.street1}} | Destination street address 1 |
{{dest_address.street2}} | Destination street address 2 |
{{dest_address.post_code}} | Destination zip code |
{{hold.behind_desk}} | Hold behind desk |
{{hold.request_time}} | Hold request date |
{{author}} | Item author |
{{copy.barcode}} | Item barcode |
{{title}} | Item title |
{{hold.email_notify}} | Notification email (t or f) |
{{}} | Notification email address |
{{hold.phone_notify}} | Notification phone number |
{{hold.sms_notify}} | Notification SMS text number |
{{patron.card.barcode}} | Patron barcode |
{{patron.first_given_name}} | Patron first name |
{{patron.family_name}} | Patron last name |
{{patron.second_given_name}} | Patron middle name |
Holds for Bib Record
Tag | Notes |
{{holds[0].title}} | Title |
Tag (Inside ng-repeat loop) | Notes |
{{}} | Author |
{{hold.copy.barcode}} | Hold target copy barcode |
{{hold.hold.request_time}} | Hold request date |
{{hold.patron_barcode}} | Patron barcode |
{{hold.patron_alias}} | Patron hold alias |
{{hold.patron_last}} | Patron last name |
Holds for Patron
Tag (Inside ng-repeat loop) | Notes |
{{}} | Author |
<div ng-if="hold.hold.email_notify == 't'"> {{}} </div> | Notify by email (shows email only if selected) |
{{hold.hold.phone_notify}} | Notify by phone (shows number) |
{{hold.hold.sms_notify}} | Notify by SMS text (shows number) |
{{}} | Pickup library |
{{hold.hold.request_time}} | Request date |
{{hold.title}} | Title |
In-House Use List
Tag (Inside ng-repeat loop) | Notes |
{{ihu.copy.barcode}} | Barcode |
{{ihu.num_uses}} | Number of uses |
Item Status
Tag | Notes |
{{copy.barcode}} | Barcode |
{{copy['call_number.record.simple_record.title']}} | Title |
Items Out
Tag | Notes |
{{patron.first_given_name}} | Patron first name |
{{patron.second_given_name}} | Patron middle name |
{{patron.family_name}} | Patron last name |
{{patron.suffix}} | Patron name suffix |
{{patron.card.barcode}} | Patron barcode |
{{patron.expire_date}} | Account expiration date |
{{patron.money_summary.balance_owed}} | Amount owed |
{{patron.alias}} | Alias |
{{patron.has_email}} | Has email? (true or false) |
{{patron.has_phone}} | Has phone? (true or false) |
Tag (Inside ng-repeat loop) | Notes |
{{checkout.copy.barcode}} | Barcode |
{{checkout.copy.circ_modifier}} | Circulation modifier |
{{}} | Database ID |
{{checkout.circ.due_date}} | Due date |
{{checkout.copy.price}} | Item price |
{{}} | Owning library full name |
{{checkout.copy.call_number.owning_lib.shortname}} | Owning library short (policy) name |
{{checkout.title}} | Title |
Patron Address
Tag | Notes |
{{patron.first_given_name}} | Patron first name |
{{patron.second_given_name}} | Patron middle name |
{{patron.family_name}} | Patron last name |
{{address.street1}} | Street address 1 |
{{address.street2}} | Street address 2 |
{{}} | City |
{{address.state}} | State |
{{address.post_code}} | Zip code |
Patron Data
Tag | Notes |
{{patron.prefix}} | Patron name prefix |
{{patron.first_given_name}} | Patron first name |
{{patron.second_given_name}} | Patron middle name |
{{patron.family_name}} | Patron last name |
{{patron.suffix}} | Patron name suffix |
{{patron.card.barcode}} | Patron barcode |
{{patron.usrname}} | Patron user name |
{{patron.alias}} | Patron holds alias |
{{patron.dob | date:'M/d/yyyy'}} | Date of birth (formatted) |
{{patron.juvenile}} | Is patron juvenile? (t or f) |
{{}} | Primary identification type |
{{patron.ident_value}} | Primary identification value |
{{}} | Parent/guardian |
{{}} | Email address |
{{patron.day_phone}} | Main/day phone number |
{{patron.evening_phone}} | Evening phone number |
{{patron.other_phone}} | Other phone number |
{{}} | Home library |
{{}} | Permission group (profile type) |
{{patron.expire_date | date:'M/d/yyyy'}} | Expiration date (formatted) |
{{patron.master_account}} | Is group lead account? (t or f) |
{{patron.claims_returned_count}} | Claims returned count |
{{}} | Internet access level |
{{patron.alert_message}} | Alert message |
Tags in repeatable address block | Notes |
{{address.address_type}} | Address type |
{{address.street1}} | Street address 1 |
{{address.street2}} | Street address 2 |
{{}} | City |
{{address.state}} | State |
{{address.post_code}} | Zip code |
{{address.county}} | County |
{{}} | Country |
{{address.valid}} | Is address valid? (t or f) |
{{address.within_city_limits}} | Is address within city limits? (t or f) |
Tags in repeatable stat cats block | Notes |
{{}} | Stat cat name |
{{entry.stat_cat_entry}} | Stat cat value |
Patron Note
Tag | Notes |
{{note.value}} | Note contents |
{{note.create_date}} | Note creation date |
{{note.title}} | Note title |
{{note.usr.card.barcode}} | Patron barcode |
{{note.usr.first_name}} | Patron first name |
{{note.usr.family_name}} | Patron last name |
{{note.usr.second_given_name}} | Patron middle name |
Tag (Inside ng-repeat loop) | Notes |
{{renewal.copy.barcode}} | Barcode |
{{renewal.circ.due_date}} | Due date |
{{renewal.title}} | Title |
Transit List
Tag (Inside ng-repeat loop) | Notes |
{{transit.target_copy.barcode}} | Barcode |
{{transit.source_send_time}} | Date sent |
{{transit.dest.shortname}} | Short name of destination library |
{{transit.source.shortname}} | Short name of sending library |
{{transit.target_copy.call_number.record.simple_record.title}} | Title |
Transit Slip
Tag | Notes |
{{}} | Destination city |
{{dest_courier_code}} | Destination courier code |
{{}} | Destination full name |
{{dest_location.shortname}} | Destination short name |
{{dest_address.state}} | Destination state |
{{dest_address.street1}} | Destination street address 1 |
{{dest_address.street2}} | Destination street address 2 |
{{dest_address.post_code}} | Destination zip code |
{{author}} | Item author |
{{copy.barcode}} | Item barcode |
{{title}} | Item title |
admin/workstations/receipt-content.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/04 19:33 by smorrison