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Tiffany Little
PINES Bibliographic Projects Manager
[email protected]

Tara Kunesh
PINES Bibliographic Services Specialist
[email protected]

Sarah Cruz
PINES Cataloging Specialist
[email protected]


All PINES catalogers should subscribe and stay on the PINES cataloging list. Please subscribe at CAT-L.

Best practice is for all PINES catalogers to also subscribe and stay on the PINES General Discussion List. Please subscribe at PINES-L.

Cataloging Contacts

Library systems should have an up to date primary cataloging contact on file with PINES staff. The primary contact should either be a system's lead CAT1 or supervise system cataloging staff.

The current list of PINES cataloging contacts may be found here.

NOTE: The list is only accessible to members of the CAT-L listserv, which is restricted to PINES library staff members.

cat/communication.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/16 16:54 by tmccanna