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Cataloging GPLS Projects

Strategic Partnership Passes

These rules are applicable for the following projects.

Pass TCN Price Circ Modifier Note
Atlanta History Center Library Pass on1381207921 $75 statepass Renews annually
Breman Museum Family Pass on1089134174 $50 statepass
Center for Puppetry Arts Pass ocn820812661 $32 statepass
Chattahoochee Nature Center Family Pass on1090412625 $45 statepass
Community Ticket Pass with the Alliance Theatre on1310301091 $75 statepass Renews annually
Computer Museum of America on1383673399 $60 statepass
Georgia State Parks and Historic Sites Pass ocn768193195 $50 statepass $50 for the ParkPass, and $50 for Historic Sites pass. $100 if they circ as one piece. Renews annually.
Go Fish Education Center Pass ocn773696004 $20 statepass
Kill-A-Watt Meter ocn318546654 $30 kit
Macon Museum Family Pass on1102636078 $100 statepass
Michael C. Carlos Museum Pass ocn959235255 $50 statepass
Observing Pollinators SciStarter kit on1373875897 $75 kit
Radon kit on1038717258 $150 kit
Shakespeare Tavern Family Theatre Pass on1381254064 $60 statepass
State Park Discovery Backpack ocn990339650 $75 statepass For partial replacement, see below
Zoo Atlanta Pass (DVD) ocn847868072 $30 video-0 All libs use “video-0” circ modifer, even if a fines free library
Zoo Atlanta Pass (laminated pass) on1430997251 $50 statepass All libraries should have 2 passes

Each item should have the following attributes set:

  • Circ modifier: See chart
  • Holdable: No
  • Price: See chart
  • Circ as MARC: <unset>
  • Fine Level: Normal
  • Loan Duration: Normal
  • OPAC Visible: Yes

For the Georgia State Parks Discovery Backpack, if there is a partial replacement needed, this should be the amount charged:

  • Backpack - $35
  • Binoculars - $15
  • Birds pamphlet - $8
  • Wildlife pamphlet - $8
  • Trees/Flowers pamphlet - $8

Removing Passes

Passes that are renewed annually need to be removed from circulation when the new passes are cataloged. They should be physically removed from circulation as well as removing them from the bib record.

This applies to:

  • Atlanta History Center
  • Alliance theater
  • Georgia State Park Passes

These passes expire on December 31 of each year and should be removed as soon as possible after that date.

There are two options to remove the old passes from circulation:

  • Delete the prior year copies
  • Replace the barcode on the prior year copies and change the call number to reflect the new year

Either option will preserve your statistics for the Annual Report, it is purely local preference.

If you choose to replace the barcode, you must change the call number to reflect the current pass year.

Lost and Long Overdue Passes

Passes that are lost or long overdue should be deleted one year after the last due date. Patrons will still have the billing on their account, regardless of whether the item is deleted. For more information on handling Long Overdue items, see Long Overdue Items.

GPLS Tech Grants

When cataloging items for GPLS technology grants where the items need to be tracked for grant reporting, there are two statistical categories that MUST be filled in.

  • GPLS Grant Projects
  • GPLS Grants - Item Use Type

 GEER statistical categories in Holdings Editor

See the different projects below for the appropriate value to use for the GPLS Grant Projects category. For the GPLS Grants - Item Use Type category, see the chart following for an explanation of each item use type. Choose the use type that most accurately represents how the item will be used by your library system.

Value Explanation
Classes Item will be used for classes to be held at a library branch
External Checkout Item will be checked out to an individual patron for use at home
Internal Checkout Item to be used by a patron while in the library (i.e. in house use)
Outreach Item to be used for outreach events or in outreach vehicles
Partnership Item checked out to community partners through PINES
Pending Use is currently not decided. Items should not indefinitely stay as Pending; once it is determined how the item is to be used, this value should be changed to one of the other options.
Public Computing Station Item will remain inside the library and used for patrons to access the OPAC or Internet.
Do not use these stat cats for anything except when explicitly instructed.

GEER (2023)

The GEER Chromebooks and Logitech cameras are generally on these two records, but your Launchpads could be on many different records. You may also have used a different record for Chromebooks, but this is where most people's are located.

Device TCN
Chromebook on1355547229
Logitech cameras on1390891314
Launchpad Various records
The two GPLS Project statistical categories MUST be filled in to accurately track these items for the project.

The value for GPLS Grant Projects should be selected as GEER.

See the chart above for the appropriate value to enter for the GPLS Grants - Item Use Type statistical category.

For more information on the GEER devices program, please see GEER Device FAQs.

GTA (2024)

The record for the Chromebooks sent out by GPLS is: on1456360098.

The two GPLS Project statistical categories MUST be filled in to accurately track these items for the project.

The value for GPLS Grant Projects should be selected as GTA 2024.

See the chart above for the appropriate value to enter for the GPLS Grants - Item Use Type statistical category.

Circulation Reports

Circs by Quarter

This report counts the number of circulations per item within a time frame. It can be found via Reports>Shared Folders>tlittle>Items>GPLS IT Project Items Quarterly Report.

Filters should be set as shown:

 Filters for Circs by Quarter report

1. Select all of your branches, including your system name.

2. Choose the “GPLS Grants - Item Use” category and click Add to add it to the dropdown.

3. Choose the “GPLS Grant Projects” category and click Add to add it to the dropdown.

4. If you're not setting up a recurring report and only running it once, you enter the first and last dates in your desired time frame.

Total Circulations

A report showing details about grant cataloged items and their total circulation numbers is available via Reports>Shared Folders>tlittle>Items>GPLS IT Project Items.

All of your grant items must already have the above stat cats applied for the report to find them.

The filters for the report should be set as shown:

 Filters for Total Circulations report

1. Select all of your branches.

2. For the first Stat Cat, choose GPLS Grants - Item Use Type.

3. For the second Stat Cat, choose GPLS Grant Projects.

cat/gpls_projects.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/23 17:12 by tlittle