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Item Statuses

In Evergreen, item statuses are codes to provide information about whether an item is available for check out or not. Status can also include some information about why it is not available. Some statuses make the item not visible in the public facing OPAC and not available for holds.

Item Status Definitions


The item is on the shelf and available for check out.


Item has been sent out of library to be rebound. Status edited by library staff.

Canceled Transit

System sets when transit is canceled. Status can only be changed by checking in at owning/circulation library.


Item sent to cataloging to correct inaccuracies in the bibliographic, call number, or item record. Status edited by library staff.

Checked Out

Item is checked out to a patron. Status does not indicate whether or not the item is overdue. System controlled, status cannot be edited in the Holdings Editor.


Item has been pulled from circulation for repair. Marked by library and can be edited in Holdings Editor. See Damaged Items Policy for more information.


Item has been pulled from circulation to be weeded. See Marking Items Discard/Weed for instructions on marking item discard/weed. Status can be edited in Holdings Editor.


Evergreen default status. Intended for items lent out through OCLC WorldShare ILL. PINES libraries do not typically use this status.

In Process

Items in this status have been cataloged and are awaiting checkin at the circulation library, which makes the item active. Items in process can be placed on hold. If a patron has placed a hold on the item, checking in the item triggers a notification that the item is needed to fill a hold. Otherwise, after checkin, the item changes to the Available status. Can be edited in Holdings Editor.

In Receiving

For use by libraries using the acquisitions module. Item has been received from vendor and is awaiting cataloging. System controlled, cannot be edited in Holdings Editor. As of August 2019, in system holds for LOPL patrons only are currently allowed as part of a pilot test of on order holds

In Transit

Item is being shipped from one library location to another. System controlled, cannot be edited in Holdings Editor, can be marked as missing. Removed by staff check in at library and placed either in Reshelving or on hold shelf. See also: Items in Transit

Long Overdue

Items that are overdue for longer than 3 months (90 days) are automatically changed to status (unless the patron has been flagged for collections). The price of the item, plus an optional processing fee, is applied to the patron’s card. Overdue fines on the item are automatically voided. See Long Overdue Items for more information

Long Overdue (Legacy)

Used for items that were Long Overdue prior to the implementation of the automated processing. Items placed in this status are not subject to any system controlled process as are Long Overdues. Can be edited in Holdings Editor.


Item lost by patron and marked as lost by staff. When item is marked lost by staff, patron is automatically billed the price of the item and any processing fee, overdue fines are voided. Status can be edited at Holdings Editor but no automated processing occurs. See Lost items for more information

Lost and Paid

Status used by some libraries for statistical purposes after an item has been paid but before it is removed from the collection. Can be edited in Holdings Editor.


Missing is a status assigned to items which show as available in the library catalog, but are not found on the shelf. Manually marked by staff. Can be edited in the Holdings Editor. Best practice it to run a regular report of items in Missing status to try to locate them, and then delete them following local practice.

On Holds Shelf

The item has been placed on a library's Holds Shelf and is ready for pick up by the patron. System controlled, cannot be edited in holdings editor.

On Order

Generally set in acquisitions and only by those libraries using the acquisitions interface. As of August 2019, in system holds for LOPL patrons only are currently allowed as part of a pilot test of on order holds

On Reservation Shelf

Evergreen default status. Not implemented in PINES as a whole.


Evergreen default status. Not implemented in PINES as a whole.


Items in this status have been checked in and are awaiting return to the shelves. Status automatically changes to Available after 24 hours. System controlled, but items can be placed in Reshelving from the holdings editor.

Temporarily Unavailable

Typically used for items in storage during renovation or a move that cannot be accessed by patrons or staff.

Item Status List

Name Holdable? OPAC visible? Sets copy active? Is available? Assignable?
Available Yes Yes Yes Yes System controlled
Bindery No No No No Yes
Canceled Transit Yes Yes No No System controlled
Cataloging No No No No Yes
Checked out Yes Yes Yes No System controlled
Damaged No No No No Yes
Discard/weed No No No No Yes
ILL No No Yes No Yes
In process Yes Yes No No Yes
In receiving Yes Yes No No System controlled
In transit Yes Yes No No System controlled
Long Overdue No No No No System controlled
Long Overdue (Legacy) No No No No Yes
Lost No No No No Yes
Lost and paid No No No No Yes
Missing No No No No Yes
On holds shelf Yes Yes Yes No System controlled
On order No No No No Yes
On reservation shelf No No Yes No Yes
Reserves No No Yes No Yes
Reshelving Yes Yes Yes Yes System controlled
Temporarily unavailable No No No No Yes

For each status, PINES system administration can set the following properties:

Holdable - If checked, users can place holds on copies in this status, provided nothing else prevents holds. If unchecked, users cannot place holds on copies in this status.

OPAC Visible - If checked, copies in this status will be visible in the public catalog. If unchecked, copies in this status will Not be visible in the public catalog, but they will be visible when using the catalog in the staff client.

Sets copy active - If checked, moving a copy that does not yet have an active date to this status will set the active date. If the copy already has an active date, then no changes will be made to the active date. If “No”, this status will never set the copy’s active date.

Is Available - If checked, copies with this status will appear in catalog searches where “limit to available” is selected as a search filter. Also, copies with this status will check out without status warnings. By default, the “Available” and “Reshelving” statuses have the “Is Available” flag set.

Default Evergreen statuses have a further property:

Assignable – Status is system controlled and editing to either assign or change in the Holdings editor is not always possible.

cat/status_of_items.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/10 20:59 by smorrison