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2010 PINES Circulation Policies and Procedures Project

The PINES Circulation Policies & Procedures Revision Project began in February 2010, and completed its work at the May 2010 meeting of the PINES Executive Committee. The working group for this project consisted of members from the Staff Training/Documentation Subcommittee, along with a few volunteers who showed particular interest in the project.

Completely Revised

This manual is based on a 2003 version of the PINES Circulation Policies and Procedures Manual that contained complete descriptions of procedures in PINES’ automation system. This document has been brought up-to-date with references to Evergreen. The first phase of the Revision Project also revisited the complete archive of PINES Executive Committee meeting minutes from 1999 to 2010 to make sure that all decisions were somehow accounted for.

New Annotations

The policy has been edited with bracketed inline annotations (e.g., “[2009.12]”) which refer to the year and month of the Executive Committee meeting at which the policy was decided. Only meetings where an action item resulted in a policy addition or change are referenced. Discussion items or PINES staff reports are not referenced.

New Versioning System

Each version of this documentation will be marked with the year and month of the most current change. This ensures that staff members using the documentation for reference know how current the policy is. 2010 Project Team Members:

  • Judy Atwood, Athens Regional Library System
  • Susie Brendle, Mountain Regional Library System
  • Gayla Brewer, Cherokee Regional Library
  • Karen Douglas, Athens Regional Library System
  • LaToya Davidson, Twin Lakes Library System
  • Jennifer Durham, Statesboro Regional Library System
  • Trudi Green, Athens Regional Library System
  • Martha Richardson, Northeast Georgia Regional Library
  • Dawn Dale, PINES Helpdesk Manager
  • Katherine Gregory, PINES Services Specialist
  • Chris Sharp, PINES Program Manager, Project Coordinator
circ/about-history.txt · Last modified: 2019/09/11 18:37 by