Table of Contents
PINES Staff Accounts and Permission Groups
PINES library staff members are granted passwords for access to the PINES database via the Evergreen staff client. PINES member libraries are required to change PINES passwords once a year [2002.09], and at the library’s discretion when a key staff member with high-level access leaves, or if an employee leaves under hostile circumstances [2005.08].
As of May 2023, shared staff logins are no longer allowed. All staff members must use individual accounts. Individual logins allow for better tracking and accountability as well as increased security. Individual accounts should be changed from a staff account to a patron account if the staff member leaves employment.
Staff with a LibraryManager account may update circulation staff accounts. Staff with a LocalAdmin account may update all other types of accounts except for CatCoord and Cat1 accounts. LocalAdmin accounts may only be created by PINES staff at the request of the library director after the staff member has successfully completed the required PINES LocalAdmin Certification, and Cat1 accounts may only be created after a staff member has successfully completed the required Cat1 training. CatCoord accounts require Cat1 training as well as the completion of the PINES CatCoord Certification. Staff with LocalAdmin, CatCoord, or Cat1 accounts should submit help desk requests when the accounts need to be renewed or otherwise updated.
All staff accounts require two additional steps to function in the staff client:
- Register a workstation. LocalAdmins and CatCoords can register workstations for staff accounts at the system level, and LibraryManagers at the branch level, by following the steps here.
- Assign a working location. Working locations can be assigned to staff by Local Admins and are assigned through the User Permission Editor. Instructions for assigning a working location can be found here.
As of the January 2023 Evergreen upgrade, staff will not be able to log in to the staff client with an expired account. Most account types expire after 2 years and will need to be renewed by library staff or by submitting a help desk ticket.
Although staff members cannot edit their own accounts in the staff client, they may log in to the My Account portion of the online catalog to update their password, search preferences, etc.
In the event of presentation of a National Security/FBI letter requesting information under the PATRIOT ACT, any PINES Director may give his/her system password access to PINES [2006.01].
Staff Permission Groups
Each staff member should generally be given the lowest level permission group which allows them to manage their responsibilities. Additional permissions may be granted to an individual to increase their access without moving them to a higher permission group (for example, a Circ1 may also be granted the ability to create and run reports), but specific permissions cannot be removed from an individual without moving them to a lower permission group.
The Director of each library system must designate a Cat1 and a LocalAdmin. Those accounts can only be set up and updated by PINES staff. The LocalAdmin will manage the rest of that library system's accounts.
Acquisition permission groups are assigned and explained by PINES staff during Acquisitions training. See Permissions for more information about Acquisitions permission groups.
- BRANCH-ACQADMIN: Have all acquisitions permissions at the branch level. They are responsible for being a point of contact for consortium-level acquisitions information, assigning lower ACQ permissions, and establishing settings under server administration. ACQADMIN groups are assigned as a secondary permission group by PINES staff as designated by the Library Director.
- SYSTEM-ACQADMIN: Have all acquisitions permissions at the branch level. They are responsible for being a point of contact for consortium-level acquisitions information, assigning lower ACQ permissions, and establishing settings under server administration. ACQADMIN groups are assigned as a secondary permission group by PINES staff as designated by the Library Director.
- ACQFIN: ACQFIN is responsible for all financial transactions, including the maintenance of funds and funding sources, ordering, claiming, invoicing, and setting up and maintaining the library system’s acquisitions financial structure and the library’s providers.
- ACQREC: Some library systems require a separation of ordering and receiving duties for size or audit purposes. ACQREC staff have the ability to receive orders for the system, receive and un-receive purchase orders, line items, and copies, and view purchase order history. To be assigned to this permission group, the staff member does not need to complete Acquisitions training with PINES staff but does need to open a Help Desk ticket.
- CatCoord: The Cataloging Coordinator (CatCoord) supports system cataloging staff by creating workstations, running reports, and creating system and branch shelving locations. CatCoords are the main library system contact for cataloging and should be the person, along with the director, that is responsible for cataloging quality for the system, whether in-house or vendor. The coordinator also conducts or oversees all training for new system Cat2 catalogers, or designates a system Cat1 to do so. CatCoord is granted only after the staff member completes the required PINES CatCoord Certification.
- Cat1: Library staff must be trained by PINES staff prior to being given Cat1 permission, and each library system must have a designated Cat1 who is responsible for overseeing all of that library system's cataloging functions. Cat1 staff have the ability to perform original cataloging and manage parts, in addition to perform circ overrides. Cat1 accounts can only be updated by PINES staff at the request of the library system's Director.
- Cat2: Cat2 staff have the ability to perform copy cataloging and other basic cataloging functions.
- LocalAdmin: Each system has a designated LocalAdmin, who acts as the technical lead that oversees and is responsible for (along with other staff designated by the system director) receiving and communicating PINES technical and update information to local staff, managing local PINES workstation and printer configuration, creating and running statistical reports, managing staff account creation and maintenance, submitting GPLS Helpdesk tickets, and performing other assorted local duties. To obtain LocalAdmin permissions, staff must complete the PINES Local Admin Certification, after which the director submits a Help Desk to PINES staff to update the staff member’s account.
- LibraryManager: Each library system designates LibraryManagers (usually branch managers or circulation department managers) who have all circulation-related permissions. LibraryManagers have all Circ1 permissions plus the ability to run reports, create workstations, enter closed dates, create patron statistical categories, manage item notes, and process offline transactions.
- Circ1: Circ1 is the highest level of circulation permissions. In addition to all base circulation permissions, Circ1s have the ability to override circ and hold blocks, manage item alerts, and mark items damaged.
- Circ2: The second level of circulation. Circ2s have all basic circulation permissions excluding overrides.
- Circ3: Circ3s have a limited set of circulation permissions. They can form all basic functions such as checking in and out books, placing holds, and creating bills, but they cannot take payments, mark items as lost, missing, discard, or lost, or manage hold groups.
Staff Permission Groups No Longer In Use
- Circ4 and Cat3 – These were removed from the staff permission group options due to lack of use and necessity [2023.02].
- ACQSEL and ACQLIST – These designations have been deprecated.
When a Staff Member Leaves Employment
When a PINES staff member leaves employment, there are several things that need to be updated in their account.
- Permission Group: The account should be immediately changed from a staff permission group to the standard Patron permission group (or StaffNoPerm if you would like them to continue receiving staff borrowing privileges).
- Contact Information: Their email address and other contact information should be updated to reflect personal rather than business information.
- Reports Permissions: This can be checked by going to Other > User Permission Editor and seeing if any of the reports permissions are assigned, and unassigning them if so. If the staff member has recurring reports scheduled to send to their email that either need to be updated to another staff email or canceled altogether, please submit a Help Desk ticket.
- Secondary Permission Group: The Secondary Permission Group should also be checked and removed to ensure that no other staff permission group is assigned to the account.
To review and remove a Secondary Permission Group:
- Open the Edit screen of the user's account.
- Click Secondary Groups next to the Main (Profile) Permission Group field.
- If there is a secondary permission group listed, click Delete and then Apply Changes.
- Click Save at the top of the edit screen.