Table of Contents
Items in Transit
When an item is routed from a library location to another, it is placed automatically in “Transit” status. When the item arrives at its destination, it should be checked in. If the item is returned and does not have any holds on it, it will switch to “Reshelving” status. After one day (24 hours), it will automatically switch to “Available” status. If the item is on hold for someone, the system will print a hold slip.
If the item arrives at its destination but is not checked in properly, it will remain in Transit status even though it might be reshelved. To anyone viewing the catalog, it will look like the item is not available and it will delay holds on the title.
It is recommended that each library check their transit lists on a regular basis (monthly or weekly) to catch any items that have been routed to their location, but not checked in.
Evergreen's Transit List Interface
- In the Evergreen Staff Client, click on Administration > Local Administration > Transit List.
- Select whether you want to view Transits to or Transits From a particular library.
- Select a date range. The screen will refresh with a list below.
How to Search for Items with Long Transit Times
- Use the column picker to add the Call Number Label column and then click the column header to sort by call number.
- You may wish to display more rows at once.
- You may wish to remove some columns
- Use the browsers File > Print functionality to print the list. (You may be able to get the information you need using the Print Transits button, but that is still under review as of 2.12.)
- Check the library for each item.
- If you find an item, scan it into the Checkin screen to update its status.
- If you are unable to find an item, mark it Missing.
Transit Quick Reports
You may also retrieve this information through reports if you wish.
- Quick Reports > Quick Report Templates > Items > Transits: My Library's Items In Transit
- Quick Reports > Quick Report Templates > Items > Transits: Sent from My Library
- Quick Reports > Quick Report Templates > Items > Transits: Sent to My Library