====== Library System Initial Setup ====== This is the broad overview checklist of the items that should be completed to do the initial setup of your library system with Evergreen Acquisitions. Permissions structure, funding sources, funds and providers are all REQUIRED areas and must be completed before continuing. ^Action^Done| |1. [[acq:permissions|Permissions worksheet]] turned in to PINES staff| | |2. Review and make decisions on [[:acq:library_system_setup_decision_worksheet.xlsx?media=acq:library_system_setup_decision_worksheet.xlsx|Decision List]]| | |3. [[acq:fundingsources|Funding Sources]] set up| | |4. [[acq:funds|Funds]] set up| | |5. [[acq:providers|Provider(s)]] set up| | |6. EDI Worksheet turned in to PINES staff| | |7. [[acq:adminsettings#how_to_set_up_copy_locations|Set up On Order copy locations]]| | |8. Review [[acq:defaults|PINES default settings]]| | |9. Decisions made on Decision List are implemented| | ===== Considerations when creating funds ===== **Funds**\\ Funds are the main mechanism of "spending" money through the Acquisitions module, but they are also the main way of tracking how you spend your money. So some tips to help you decide how to organize your funds: * What categories do you break down your budget into? Do you allocate $X every year to purchase juvenile books, and $X to purchase adult books? Are those lumped together and you don't require that kind of specificity? Is that broken down further into state funds for juvenile materials, state funds for adult materials, local funds for juvenile, etc.? * Do you budget money specifically for different branches? If you have 2 branches, does Branch A have funds for Adult, Juv, local, state and Branch B have a separate amount/fund for those as well? * How is your bookkeeping set up? Presumably you may have state funds and local funds, but are there specific local funds? When your bookkeeper sees the funds that you have billed out each purchase to, will they know how to code that in their accounting software? * What do you want to be able to pull statistics on? Do you want to keep track of how much you've spent for a particular branch? For a particular collection (e.g. juvenile)? * If you get processing done, is that billed to one particular fund/account for that purpose or is that cost rolled into the per-item price and coded to those funds?