====== PC Reservation ====== ===== Manual: Updating PCRes to Work With Evergreen ===== See: [[https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=pines:updating_pcres_to_work_with_evergreen.pdf|PC Reservation Documentation]] ===== SIP Communication ===== See: [[http://docs.evergreen-ils.org/2.10/_sip_communication.html|SIP Documentation]] ===== How to bypass validation and use PC Reservation while the ILS server is down ===== //(From the PC Reservation Technical Manual)// If the ILS server will be unavailable for any period of time you canzconfigure PC Reservation to allow patrons to continue to book and use the system. **Option 1** - On the Management Console Preferences option go to the User Validation Tab - Uncheck the "Require a Valid User ID to make a Reservation" option - Click OK to exit - Patrons will be prompted to enter their login information in the usual manner - When the ILS server is returned to service, "Require a Valid User ID to make a Reservation" option should be re-ticked //Note: this method will not enforce any sessions or minutes per day restrictions// **Option 2** - On the Management Console Preferences option go to the Validating Authority Tab - Click Add - From the drop down list select NONE - Click OK to exit - Move the new NONE validating authority to the top of the list using the UP button (Note: the move up button moves only one position at time - ensure you do move NONE to the top.) - Click OK to exit - You will see a pop-up message warning about using validating authorities with type NONE (Click Yes to accept the change.) - When the ILS server is returned to service, go back to the Validating Authority Tab and remove the NONE option //Note: this method will enforce any sessions or minutes per day restrictions// Using either of these methods ensures that the patron receives their normal authentication prompts so the patron behavior is unchanged, but as there is no validation occurring any input is accepted. ===== PC Reservation and Last Name Validation ===== //(From the PC Reservation Technical Manual)// If “Require User to enter last name to make a reservation” is checked, PC Reservation requires that a user enter a part of his or her last name along with the complete user ID in order to make a reservation. Because SIP does not provide a mechanism for distinguishing last name from the rest of a name, the system must allow any portion of a last name match. ===== PC Reservation and Age Restrictions ===== If you want to specify different sets of computers for children, teens, and adults, set up the rules so that children (age less than 11, for example) are allowed to access only childrens computers, and adults (age greater than 18, for example) are allowed to access only adult computers. By default, teens between those two ages will only be allowed to access the teen computers.