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The Acquisitions Module allows your library to track funds and purchases through the Evergreen Integrated Library System.

Through Acquisitions, staff are able to:

  • create selection lists which can be shared by users,
  • convert selection lists into purchase orders,
  • create purchase orders for non-library materials such as processing supplies,
  • receive entire purchase orders, individual line items, and single copies,
  • create invoices from purchase orders.

Evergreen tracks items through the entire acquisitions process. When a purchase order is activated, the bibliographic records and holdings are loaded into the catalog and the funds for the purchase order are encumbered in the system. When an invoice is created and filled in, the funds are spent.

When should libraries use acquisitions?

  • When you want to track spending of your collections budget.
  • When you want to use Evergreen to place orders electronically with your vendors.
  • When you want to import large batches of records to quickly get your on-order titles into the system

If your library simply wants to add on-order copies to the catalog so that patrons can view and place holds on titles that have not yet arrived, acquisitions may be more than you need. Adding those on-order records via cataloging is a simpler option that works well in this case.

Default Acquisitions Toolbar

To assist with navigating through the Acquisitions Module a default acquisitions toolbar has been created and is available to all staff. To select the acquisitions toolbar:

1. Select: Admin→Workstation Administration→Acquisitions→Toolbars→Current→Acq.

2. The acquisitions toolbar will now display across the top of the staff client.

3. To make sure the toolbar appears each time the workstation is started, go to Select: Admin→Workstation Administration→Acquisitions→Toolbars→Set Workstation Default to Current.

General Workflow

This diagram illustrates the general workflow of the Acquisitions module.

Image credit: Evergreen Community Documentation

acq/manual/intro.txt · Last modified: 2018/10/11 20:15 by