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Executive Committee Meeting: December 2012

See all meeting minutes

Meeting Minutes

December 5, 2012; 1:00 – 2:00 pm

Bull Street Library/Live Oak, Savannah GA

I. Call to Order, Welcome                            Carrie Zeiger

Carrie Zeiger called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone.  Members present were Linda Keane, Carrie Zeiger, Sandy Hester, Laura Harrison, Anne Isbell and Dusty Gres. Barry Reese was present via telecom.  PINES/GPLS staff present were Elizabeth McKinney and Chris Sharp.  Several representatives from member libraries were also in attendance. Dusty Gres agreed to act as Secretary.

II. Approval of October 2, 2012 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes        Carrie Zeiger  

Sandy Hester moved that the October 3, 2012 PINES Executive Committee meeting minutes be approved.  The motion was seconded and passed.

III.     PINES Staff Reports              

Budget, Staffing and Contracts (Elizabeth McKinney): 

Chris Sharp has been named PINES Systems Administrator

Spring 2013 Upgrade (Chris Sharp): 

Upgrade is schedule for late March, possible around Easter, however they will poll the libraries for suggested dates. The 2nd week in April being the last date possible. They hope to use version 2.4, currently in development with 2.3 as the fall back. 2.3 has some memory use issues that developers are working on fixing.  There will be a test module up and running soon. There will also be training on the new version, possibly using the YouTube videos as before. The reports module is not yet ready although the reports working group has been having regular meetings with the developers.

Circ Matrix and Fines Changes:

David Baker will send a generic press release dealing with the increase in fines and fine types. The changes will be January 1, 2013, although nothing will be changed on existing bills or bills on items checked out before January 1.

Governor’s Mansion Project: 

The cataloging is complete.  There will possibly be some shifting and reshelving as the Mansion staff looks at relocating some items.

Update to Policy and Procedure for Library Management Products:

Due to instances where vendors have made errors in the database and where testing resulted in products where the entire database was not available for use, this policy was amended to include a policy and procedure for vendor errors (bullets 4 &5 in the procedure). Vendors will be required to make any corrects or repairs or contract for the work to be done. Chris & Darin will create a Vendor portal where questions about set-ups and hookups can be posted, and vendors can make requests and arrangements for testing. Sandy Hester moved and Linda Keane seconded that the updates be approved. Motion carried unanimously.

IV. Executive Committee Action Items                        Elizabeth McKinney

Billing Types:

Discussion on the proposed changes to Billing Types. Dusty Gres moved and Anne Isbell seconded that Appendix 4, Consolidations to Billing Types be approved. Motion carried.

Discussion on the Proposed Billing Types:

Anne Isbell moved and Sandy Hester seconded that Proposed Billing Types, Appendix 5, with the additional proposed billing types be accepted.  Motion carried. After further questions from the attendees and discussion with PINES staff it was proposed that Appendix 5 be amended so that all Interlibrary Loan items be consolidated into one item: Interlibrary Loan Fee and Telephone Use fee be dropped. Linda Keane moved and Sandy Hester seconded that Appendix 5 as amended be accepted. Motion carried. The change will be done after January 1, 2013 and no existing bills will be changed.

Yet-To-Be Named Library System Intent to Participate:

Columbia County, Warren County & Lincoln County will form a new library system, yet to be named.  The Transitional Board has signed an Intent to Participate Agreement with PINES. Dusty Gres moved and Anne Isbell seconded that PINES accept the addition of the new region.

VIII. Old Business

Cataloging Proposal: 

RPLAC has discussed and recommended a changed in the wording for the requirements for state aid concerning cataloging. The suggested new wording is that “At the Director’s discretion, cataloging will be done within the system but not necessarily at the headquarters library as long as the cataloger has had proper and appropriate training and adequate oversight is provided.” The Executive Committee will continue this discussion and action item at the next meeting (February).  

GADD Proposal: 

A question from the floor concerned the GADD batch loading. It was approved by the Executive Committee but the issue is currently the price per record for the loading. The GADD Committee will discuss and ask for cataloging volunteers within local libraries to add records for other libraries to attach holdings.

IX. New Business


X. Next Meeting

February 2013 at the time of the next RPLAC meeting.

XI. Adjournment                                        Carrie Zeiger

Anne Isbell moved the meeting be adjourned.  The motion was seconded and passed.



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