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Executive Committee Meeting: May 2012

See all meeting minutes

May 9, 2012; 10am-12pm

Peachtree City, GA

I. Call to Order                                Barry Reese, Chair

Chair Barry Reese called meeting to order.   Members present were, Laura Harrison Sandy Hester, Anne Isbell, Linda Kean, Barry Reese, Jean Turn, and Carrie Zeiger.  PINES/GPLS staff present: Elizabeth McKinney, Chris Sharp, Elaine Hardy, Bin Lin and Dawn Dale.  Several representatives from member libraries were also in attendance. Member Dusty Gres was absent.

II. Welcome            Barry Reese

Barry Reese welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending and participating.

III. Approval of March 2, 2012 Meeting Minutes            Barry Reese    

Sandy Hester moved that the March 2, 2012 minutes be approved.  The motion was seconded and passed.

IV. Executive Committee Discussion Items

Follow-up on Action Items from March 2, 2012 Meeting-Elizabeth McKinney.  Elizabeth presented the follow-up on AI1 through AI10.  A summary of the follow-up is available at the PINES website on the web page for the May, 2012 PINES Executive Committee Meeting.

Zoo Pass-Elaine Hardy- Zoo Atlanta is interested in pursuing a switch to a pass program similar to the State Park Pass and Go Fish programs. They would like library feedback on this proposal before it is implemented in 2013 when the current program ends.

To get into the Zoo the patron would need the program pass, their library card and the checkout receipt. The patron would have until the due date of the item to use the pass.  A Membership card is embedded in the pass.  7 day checkout.  No renewals.  Any date after the due date would not be honored. The passes would be essential annual membership card to the Zoo with a membership ID that would be entered into the item record so that they can track missing and overdue passes. If passes are not returned within 35 days of the due date, the pass would be canceled and the patron would be billed $109.00, the cost of an annual family pass to the Zoo.  After the pass is uncertified by the Zoo, the $109.00 is non-negotiable. Each branch or service outlet will have 1 pass with some exception of branches that have a service population greater than 30,000.

The patron would no longer need to check out the DVD to visit the Zoo using this pass.  The pass may suggest viewing the DVD before visiting the zoo but it will not be required. We may provide labels for the DVD letting patrons know the pass is available for checkout.
Suggest to keep pass behind circulation desk.  Receipt would be stamped so it cannot be used again.  Might get a new modifier for it.  Will get 10 day email or phone notification, then a 28 day overdue letter.  Would start in FY 13.  Carrie Zeiger moved that the Zoo Atlanta pass program be implemented as discussed.  The motion was seconded and passed.

V. Executive Committee Action Items – Elizabeth McKinney

AI1. Increasing Overdue Fees to $.20 on books – Anne Isbell moved that overdue fees on books be increased to $.20 per day starting July 1, 2012.  The motion was seconded and passed.
AI2. Increasing Overdue Fees by $.05 per year. – Anne Isbell moved that overdue fees not be increased by $.05 each year.  The motion was seconded and passed.
AI3. Change in Fine Schedule – Laura Harrison moved to table changes in the fine schedule pending a request that the Circulation Subcommittee look at the whole fee structure.  The motion was seconded and passed.
AI4.  Add field for maiden or prior name.  This would require a change to the database schema, i.e. major development. Elizabeth McKinney suggested that patron record merging might help handle this problem.  Anne Isbell moved that this item be tabled.  The motion was seconded and passed.
AI5.  Non-print lending policy.  Elizabeth McKinney is going to look into expanding the pilot program currently between Lee and Dougherty Counties. Anne Isbell moved to table the item while PINEs staff investigates age protection, leased audio books, etc.  The motion was seconded and passed.
AI6- subcommittee nominations to serve a two-year term.  Linda Kean asked to add Ceil Smith to Cataloging and Lori Lasson to Circulation.  Sandy Hester moved to accept nominations.  The motion was seconded and passed.

VI. Old Business

No old business

VII. New Business

No new business

VIII. Next Meeting

Wednesday, September 12, 2012 from 1-3 PM. This will take place in Blairsville prior to the September 13 & 14 director’s meeting 1-3 pm.

IX. Adjournment

Carrie Zeiger moved to adjourn.  The motion was seconded and passed.



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