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Executive Committee Meeting: October 2012

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Meeting Minutes

October 3, 2012; 10am-12pm
Centerville Public Library, Centerville GA

I. Call to Order, Welcome and Intro of New Chair                 Barry Reese

Barry Reese called the meeting to order, welcomed everyone, and introduced Carrie Zeiger as the new chair.  Carrie thanked Karen Odom for providing meeting space.  Members present were Dusty Gres, Laura Harrison, Sandy Hester, Anne Isbell, Karen Odom, Barry Reese, Jean Turn and Carrie Zeiger.  Linda Keane was absent.   PINES/GPLS staff present were Elizabeth McKinney, Chris Sharp, Bin Lin, Elaine Hardy and Dawn Dale.  Several representatives from member libraries were also in attendance.

II. Remembrance of Ashley Moore                Carrie Zeiger     

Carrie Zeiger asked for a moment of silence in memory of Ashley Moore, director of the Dougherty County Library System, who died last month of an apparent heart attack at the age of 36.

III. Executive Committee Officer Elections                Carrie Zeiger

Karen Odom was nominated to be Chair-elect and Jean Turn was nominated to be Secretary for FY13.  Anne Isbell moved that nominations be closed and the slate of officers be accepted.  The motion was seconded and approved.

IV. Approval of May 9, 2012 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes        Carrie Zeiger    

Sandy Hester moved that the May 9, 2012 PINES Executive Committee meeting minutes be approved.  The motion was seconded and passed.

V. Review of May 9, 2012 Annual Meeting Minutes                Carrie Zeiger

There were no comments or questions concerning the May, 2012 annual meeting minutes.

VI. PINES Staff Reports                                

  • Budget, Staffing and Contracts (Elizabeth McKinney):  Equinox did not bid on a support contract this year.  Money that had been budgeted for this contract was used to absorb the 3% funding cut, as well as resume the reports development contract with Emerald.  PINES funding for FY13 was cut from $1.91 million to $1.58 million.
  • Spring 2013 Upgrade (Chris Sharp):  Upgrade version 2.3 or 2.4 is scheduled for Feb-Mar, 2013.  If they choose version 2.4, community support will actively work on bugs and fixes. will be the test bed for the new release.  OPAC will be one of the major changes.  There will also be a kids’ OPAC. The reports module is tentative.  There was a question from the group concerning SIP and credit/debit card bill paying.
  • Courier and Group Pricing (Dawn Dale):  One of STAT’s vehicles was involved in an accident on I-75.  Less than 20 books were damaged and will be reimbursed by STAT.  Send any extra bags to the Atlanta warehouse, attn: Brian.  Cards and Barcodes: contact Creative Data directly for reorders.  If another vendor is used, the library staff is responsible for keeping up with the barcode numbers.  
  • Bin Lin has scheduled several CAT 1 training sessions.
  • Governor’s Mansion Project (Elaine Hardy):  Volunteer catalogers have processed about 2,000 items in two work sessions to date.  A third session should complete the project, a total of approximately 3,000 titles.

VII. Executive Committee Action Items                        Elizabeth McKinney

  • Circ Matrix Changes Circulation Modifier Changes: The Circulation Subcommittee evaluated the current list of circulation modifiers and made suggestions for ones to merge and ones to add to accurately reflect the current needs of the PINES libraries.
    • Atlas – merge with ‘book’
    • e-device – new circ modifier
    • equip – long-merge with ‘equipment’
    • eventpass – rename to ‘statepass’
    • filmstrip – merge with ‘av’
    • localpass – new circ modifier
    • new-av – combine with ‘av’
    • softwrlong – merge with ‘software’
    • videogamelong – merge with ‘videogame’
    Anne Isbell moved that the recommended changes to the Circulation Modifiers be approved.  The motion was seconded and passed.
  • Changes to Fine Structure:  Anne Isbell moved that the subcommittee’s recommendation of the fine structure changes be approved with the exception of Kits.  Kits will have the same structure as that of Equipment: $.20/$5.00/$50.00.  The motion was seconded and passed.
  • Cataloging Proposal:  A request was made to allow trained branch staff to perform CAT 3 functions.  Georgia code does not limit cataloging to the regional office, but it is listed as one of the requirements for state aid.  There was general discussion as to whether this was something upon which the PINES executive committee was authorized to act.  Anne Isbell moved that it be referred to RPLAC and tabled until the December meeting.  The motion was seconded and approved.
  • GADD Proposal:  Dusty Gres moved that the proposed Batch Loading Policy be approved.  This will allow batch loading to accommodate the GADD proposal for e-resources.  The motion was seconded and passed.

VIII. Executive Committee Discussion Items                        Chris Sharp

  • Max Fines – The discussion revolved around changing the maximum fines amount to either the cost of the item or $25.00.  Currently there are approximately 1.2 million items with a zero price.  It was recommended that Elizabeth McKinney send this item to subcommittee.
  • Longoverdue  – The Evergreen test server is currently marking these items “Lost”, not “Long Overdue”.   General agreement was that this is not acceptable.  There needs to be a distinction between “Lost” items and “Long Overdue” items.

IX. Old Business    


X. New Business


XI. Next Meeting

Wednesday, Dec. 5, 2012 from 1 pm – 3 pm in Savannah.

XII. Adjournment                                        Carrie Zeiger

Dusty Gres moved the meeting be adjourned.  The motion was seconded and passed.



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