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IntraPINES Data
- FY10 IntraPINES Loans by System
- FY10 IntraPINES Loans by Facility
- FY10 IntraPINES Loans by Facility to Facility
Annual Consortium Data
Report Definitions
*Note: You must add both the Circulation by Circ Modifier and the Noncat Circulation reports for your total Circulations*
Circulation by Circ Modifier and Stat Cat 1
This contains the total FY circulation for each library broken down by Circulation Modifier and Item Stat Cat1. This does not include the Noncat Circulations.
Note: Those libraries that used the circ modifier of Computer or Internet for in-house use must subtract those from the total circulation.
Non-Cat Circulations by Type
This is the total FY circulation for non cataloged items and should be added to your total FY circulations.
Children’s Circulation
This is the total FY circulation for children’s materials, broken down by branch – selection criteria was by Category 2 of EASY, JUV, and JUVENILE.
Large Print Circulation
This is the total FY circulation for large print materials per library – selection criteria was by Shelving Location as LG-PRNT.
Item Count by Circ Modifier and Item Stat Cat 1
This is the total number of items in your collection (as of June 30) with breakdowns by Circulation Modifier and Item Stat Cat 1.
Total Items By Language
This is the number of items by language extracted from the Marc records’ language codes (008/35-37 and 041 subfield a) broken down by Circulation Modifier.
Deleted Item Count
This is the number of items the PINES reporting system detected as deleted during FY, broken down by owning library.
Patron Count
This is the total number of active patrons registered as of the end of June 30 at each branch (home library) within a region.
Bill Totals By Type
This represents the amount of bills owed as of closing business day, June 30 broken down by bill transaction type of grocery vs. circulation.
FY Intrapines Facility to Facility Loans.
This report contains statistics for IntraPINES loans for all systems, broken into the following worksheets:
1) System Totals
The System Totals worksheet contains the totals for all IntraPINES loans sent from each system and received by each system. It also contains an interactive drop-down menu for quick access to data for each system.
2) Facility Totals
The Facility Totals worksheet contains the totals for all IntraPINES loans sent from each branch and received by each branch. It also contains an interactive drop-down menu providing quick access to the data for each branch.
3) Facility to Facility Loans
This provides a more specific break down of loans; each row contains the Source Library and the Destionation library, and the total of loans sent between the two.