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PINES Annual Reports: Fiscal Year 2018

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IntraPINES Data

Annual Consortium Data

Report Definitions

Following are descriptions of the PINES reports run by GPLS for all of the PINES member libraries for the previous fiscal year (FY) – July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018. Where relevant, the descriptions indicate which fields to use when completing the Annual Report.

Bills Owed by Patrons

This represents the amount of bills owed as of close of business on June 30, broken down by bill transaction type of grocery vs. circulation.

Circulation Count (Total)

This report includes all circulations (cataloged and non-cataloged) that are captured by Evergreen. If your library circulates any items outside of Evergreen, those should be added to the number from the report.
Report line number 42 (Excel 266)

Alert: This report includes in-house use counts for those libraries that use Evergreen to track in-house use. In-house use counts cannot be counted on the Georgia Annual Report and Application for State Aid. Be sure to filter the in-house use counts out of your total circulation count.

Circulation by Circ Mod

This contains the total FY circulation for each library broken down by Circulation Modifier.  This does not include the Noncat Circulations.

Report line number 39 a, c, and e (Excel 247, 249, and 251)

Circulation Count by Circ Mod that is NULL or BLANK

This is the total FY circulation for cataloged items that do not have a circulation modifier.

Report line number 39 o (Excel 261)

Circulation Count by TCN

This is a FY total of circulation by TCN for items such as The Atlanta Zoo Pass, State Park Pass, and Kill-A-Watt meters.

  • Kill-A-Watt Meter:  ocn318546654 and ocn809377483
  • Georgia State Parks and Historic Sites Pass: ocn768193195
  • Go Fish Education Center Pass: ocn773696004
  • Center for Puppetry Arts Pass: ocn820812661
  • Michael C. Carlos Museum Pass: ocn959235255
  • Zoo Atlanta Pass: ocn847868072
  • State Park Discovery Backpack: ocn990339650

Report line number 39 h, l, j, k, l, m, and n (Excel 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, and 260)

Circulation Count of Children’s Materials

This is the total FY circulation for children’s materials, broken down by branch – selection criteria was by fixed field audience type (a, b, c, d, j).

Report line number 43 (Excel 268)

Circulation Count of Large Print Materials

This is the total FY circulation for large print materials per library – selection criteria was by fixed field for form (d).

Item Count (Total)

Total number of items at the end of the FY except for non-cataloged items.

Item Count by Circ Mod and Stat Cat 1

This is the total number of items in your collection (as of June 30) with breakdowns by Circulation Modifier and Item Stat Cat 1.

Item Count by Language

This is the total number of items by language extracted from the Marc records’ language codes (008/35-37 and 041 subfield a).

Report line number 45 and 46 (Excel 271 and 272)

Item Count by Language and Circ Mod

This is the number of items by language extracted from the Marc records’ language codes (008/35-37 and 041 subfield a) broken down by Circulation Modifier.

Item Count of Deleted Items

This is the number of items the PINES reporting system detected as deleted during FY, broken down by owning library.

User Count (Total)

This is the total number of active patrons registered as of the end of June 30 at each branch (home library) within a region.

Report line number 35 (Excel 241)

User Count of New Users

New cards issued during the FY.

Intra-PINES Facility Hold Transit Totals

The Facility Totals worksheet contains the totals for all IntraPINES loans sent from each branch and received by each branch.  It also contains an interactive drop-down menu providing quick access to the data for each branch.

Intra-PINES Facility-to-Facility Hold Transit Totals

This provides a more specific break down of loans; each row contains the Source Library and the Destination library, and the total of loans sent between the two.

Intra-PINES System Hold Transit Totals

The System Totals worksheet contains the totals for all IntraPINES loans sent from each system and received by each system. 


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