This page describes a Reports requirements gathering project that occurred in summer 2009.
- Document optimal Reports functionality within a future Evergreen release and develop a list of requirements.
- Become the Reports testing group, through which all new Reports development would be filtered.
- Compile a list of reports needed for an Executive Reports Interface.
- Determine and create templates needed for all PINES libraries.
- Dana Peeler, Ohoopee Regional Library
- George Tuttle, Piedmont Regional Library
- Susan Cooley, Sara Hightower Regional Library
- LaToya Davidson, Twin Lakes Library System
- Jennifer Durham, Statesboro Regional Library System
- Chris Sharp, GPLS PINES
UPDATE: July 29, 2009
The Reports Working Group met this afternoon to work on finalizing the Reports Requirements Document that will be sent to Equinox for development.
Chris Sharp will be creating another survey for the Reports Working Group to confirm our functionality requirements and specifications which will be completed this Friday. George Tuttle will be breaking up the canned reports vs. on demand reports.
Next week, the Reports working group will receive the final draft and approve the document after reviewing it with their directors.
UPDATE: August 7, 2009
The Reports Working group is in its last phase of reviewing the Reports Requirement Document. Review and official sign off will occur by the end of the business day next Monday, Aug. 10.
You will find attached a document called “PINES Reports Software Requirements Specification (4)” which is the draft the group is currently reviewing.
UPDATE: August 11, 2009
The Reports Working Group has signed off on the final version of the PINES Reports Software Requirement Specification. It is attached below and called “PINES Reports Software Requirements Specification_Final”.