Table of Contents

Recommended Collection Maintenance Reports

The following reports assist libraries with maintaining the accuracy of their local collection data.

Claims Returned

Libraries may mark Claims Returned items Lost after 45 days from the due date. For assistance identifying these items, use:

Quick Reports > Quick Report Templates > Items > List of Items Marked Claims Returned

See also: Claims Returned Items


Expired Holds:
To identify expired holds that are currently on your holds shelf, see: Clear Holds Shelf

Hopeless Holds:
To identify holds that cannot be filled because all copies on the record are unfillable. See: Hopeless Holds

Uncaptured Holds:
To identify holds where an item has been targeted but the item has not been found.

Quick Reports > Quick Reports Templates > Holds > Unfilled Holds (Not Captured)


See: Inventory using existing Evergreen Functionality

Item Status Report

Get lists of items of a particular status (Missing, In Process, etc.) in order to do shelf checks.

Quick Reports > Quick Report Templates > Items > List of Items by Status

Long Overdue Items

See: Long Overdues


Pre-cat (pre-cataloged item) records are temporary records used for Interlibrary Loan or to allow checkouts of items that have barcodes but no record in the catalog. Pre-cat records should be used for temporary purposes only and should be corrected (or deleted, in the case of ILL) when the item is returned to the library.

Quick Reports > Quick Reports Templates > Items > Pre-Cat List

See also: Instructions for managing Pre-Cats

Transit Reports

Transit reports can help you to identify items that have been put into the transit status but have not been scanned in at their destination. You can retrieve transit reports through a built-in staff client function or through a report, depending on your needs. Items identified this way should be looked for at both the sending and receiving libraries.

See: Clear Items In Transit

Weeding Report

Quick Reports > Quick Report Templates > Items > Basic Weeding List

The Basic Weeding List is meant to provide a list of possible items to consider for weeding. Each item on the list should be reviewed on its own merits (see Slideshow link below for tips.

Report filters:

See also: Weeding and Inventory Slideshow