Table of Contents

Funding Sources

In the Funding Sources interface, you can create funding sources, allocate credit to funding sources, and apply credit to funds. Funding sources allow you to specify the sources that contribute monies to your fund(s), such as your municipal government, grants, and donations. You can create as few or as many funding sources as you need.

Funding sources are not tied to fiscal or calendar years, so you can continue to apply credits to the same funding source over multiple years, e.g. City of Fiction. Alternatively, you can name funding sources by year, e.g. City of Fiction 2011 and City of Fiction 2012, and apply credits each year to the matching source.

If you choose not to rollover money between fiscal years, be aware that any unspent monies will be returned to their originating funding source. So if you choose not to rollover money between fiscal years, it is highly recommended to create funding sources for each fiscal year instead of using the same funding source from year to year.

Create a funding source

Funding sources should be created for each source your library receives collection funding from.

1. Select Administration→Acquisitions Administration→Fund Administration.

2. This is a unified page for funds, funding sources, and funds. To access funding sources, click the second tab for Funding Sources.

3. Click New Funding Source.

4. This will open the editor to create a new funding source. The required fields are:

5. Click Save.

Edit a Funding Source

Editing the currency of an active in-use fund is not recommended. It can have serious consequences.
You are unable to edit the balance of your funding source. The balance of a funding source can only be altered by adding credit or allocating credit from another fund.

1. Select Administration→Acquisitions Administration→Fund Administration.

2. Select the Funding Sources tab.

3. Change Library to your normal ordering agency.

4. From the list of funding sources, double-click on the row of the funding source you want to edit. (Do not click the hyperlinked name, that will take you elsewhere.)

5. Make your changes and click Save.

Delete a funding source

A funding source can only be deleted if no credit has been applied to it. The only circumstance you are able to delete funding sources is if you create one in error, before you do any other work with it.

If this is the case, you can delete it by following the steps below:

1. Go to the funding sources tab at Administration→Acquisitions Administration→Fund Administration.

2. Change the Library to your ordering agency.

3. For the funding source you would like to delete, check the ticky box to its left.

4. From the Actions menu, choose Delete Selected.

5. You will get a confirmation that you wish to delete the funding source. Click Confirm.

In the event that an incorrect amount is allocated to a funding source, and the mistake is found before any funds are encumbered, please submit a Helpdesk ticket. Include the name and ID of the funding source along with the incorrect amount that has been allocated and how much should have been allocated.

Deactivate a funding source

If you have already applied credits to a funding source and no longer wish to use it, you can deactivate a funding source so that it will not be eligible to have credits applied to it or allocations made from it.

This is a routine part of closing out previous years' funding sources.

Deactivated funding sources will still appear in the list of funding sources for your ordering agency, but you will notice that in the “Active” column, they will have a grey “No” rather than the green “Yes.”

To deactivate a funding source, edit the funding source and uncheck the box for “Active.” Then hit Save.

Your list of funding sources will refresh and you will see your funding source is now inactive.

Apply credits to a funding source

1. Select Administration→Acquisitions Administration→Fund Administration.

2. Click on the “Funding Sources” tab.

3. Change the Library to your ordering agency.

4. From the list of funding sources, click on the hyperlinked name of the funding source you would like to apply credit to. This takes you to the Funding Source Details screen.

3. Click Apply Credit. This will open the editor to apply the credit.

4. Click Save.

7. You will see your credit in the list of credits to this funding source. You can now click Close to return to the list of funding sources.

Allocate Credit to Funds

Once you have set up your funds, credit can be allocated to them from your funding sources in two ways: the funding source interface and the fund interface.

To allocate credit using the funding source interface:

1. Select Administration→Acquisitions Administration→Fund Administration.

2. Click the “Funding Source” tab.

3. Set the Library field to your normal ordering agency.

4. Click the hyperlinked name of the funding source.

5. Select the “Allocations” tab, then Allocate to Fund.

3. Click Allocate to Fund. This will open the editor to create an allocation.

Click Save.

8. The Allocations tab will display all allocations made to funds out of this funding source. See track debits and credits for more information.

Example: Your aunt writes you a check for $100 and you deposit it in your bank account. Of that $100, you budget $30 for eating out and $70 for car repairs. In this scenario, your aunt is a funding source and your eating out and car repair budgets are funds. In your checkbook, you would attribute (“apply”) the credit of $100 to Aunt Edna (“funding source”), and budget (“allocate”) $30 to the Eating Out fund and $70 to the Car Repair fund.

Track debits and credits

From the main list of funding sources, you can get a quick view of the balance/allocations/credits of each of your funding sources.

If you do not see these columns, check to be sure that they are visible by clicking the gear icon above the grid and making sure that they have a green check mark next to them in the list.

To get details of what credits and/or allocations have been made from a particular funding source, click the hyperlinked name of the funding source.

This will open the Credits tab, and show a list of all credits that have been applied to this funding source, including the date that they were applied (i.e. Effective Date).

To see allocations, click the Allocations tab. This will show a list of all amounts that have been allocated to funds, including the hyperlinked code of the fund, as well as when the allocation was made and the user who created it.