February 2000 Executive Committee Meeting



Meeting Date: February 29, 2000
Location: Newton County Library, .covington, GA
Issued Date: March 21, 2000


Topics Discussed


1. David Singleton, Acting Director of OPLS, called the meeting to order and Greg Heid, Director, Newton County Library, welcomed the group. Roll was taken and Steve Schaefer, Chair of the PINES Executive Committee, declared a quorum.


2. Project Update - Training for the next modules, serials, outreach, reserves, and materials booking, will begin in late April. Acquisitions training will be in June and golive will be in July. The project is finishing on time and under budget.


Old Business


Delete functionality (Discard User) - The pros and cons of continuing to use the Discard User capability rather than the Deiete functionaiity was discussed. In summary the Discard User pro is safety, a iibrary cannot inadvertently delete another library's holdings. The Discard User con is that it requires an override.


It was moved, seconded, and passed that PINES libraries continue to use the Discard User capability for an additional six months, at which time the issue will be reviewed.


New Business


Acquisitions Policies - The system policies (sometimes thought of as parameters) that drive the SIRSI acquisitions module were presented to the group. The policies were the result of the acquisitions subcommittee's review and recommendation.


Several people asked for a description of the acquisitions module.


Patty Alligood, PINES Project Manager, outlined the process. [Material can be ordered, purchase orders produced, and vendor and fund information updated. The system accumulates totals budgeted, encumbered, and spent. Vendor, fund, and ordering information is
online at all times. A variety of reports assist in ordering, claiming, and accounting.The module interfaces with cataloging.]


A discussion centered on whether libraries are required to use the acquisitions module and, if so, must the timeframe for implementation be followed. The result was that libraries are required to implement acquisitions but not by July 1.


A motion to accept the acquisitions policies was made. An amendment was made that libraries that wish to implement by July 1 can do so, and that libraries that wish to implement later can do so, but no later than January 1, 2001. The motion and the
amendment passed.


Serials Control Policies - The serials control policies submitted for approval were the result of the acquisition subcommittee's review and recommendation. The PINES membership voted to accept the policies with the same timeframes for implementation as acquisitions i.e., libraries that wish to implement by July 1 can do [so].


Julie Walker distributed replacement pages for the PINES Policies and Procedures Manual.


Steve Schaefer reminded everyone to get their PINES Membership Agreements turned in.


The next PINES Membership meeting will be September 20 in Macon.