Staff Training

The PINES Learning Center

PINES is not offering any in-person training at this time. We are focused on developing online, self-paced training materials that will be available through PINES Learning Center. Staff may create accounts and self-register for any of the courses as they become available, and many  classes will provide continuing education credits.


Policy and Procedure Manuals

The online PINES Policy and Procedure Manuals contain step-by-step instructions and best practices on many PINES-related tasks.


Live, Online Classes

Please contact Terran McCanna ( if your library system has a need for a live (remote) training session on a particular topic.

For cataloging training opportunities, please see below:


Cataloging Training

There are two levels of cataloging training:

  1. CAT1 Training
    This copy cataloging course is required for all PINES CAT1 level catalogers. Permission from the Library Director is required for any PINES staff member to obtain CAT1 permissions.
  2. Original Cataloging (RDA)
    This course is recommended for catalogers who are experienced copy catalogers and who need to do original cataloging. This course uses the RDA standard; the AACR2 standard is no longer taught by GPLS. This course is open to PINES CAT1 users as well as catalogers from Georgia's independent public library systems.

Both of these courses are scheduled as needed. To request that one of these courses be scheduled, please contact