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Available Holds Reports

The templates listed below are not the only templates available, but they are recommended to fulfill common needs.

Hold-Based Purchase Alert
Quick Reports > Holds

Unfilled Holds (Captured but Not Fulfilled)
Quick Reports > Holds

Unfilled Holds (Not Captured)
Quick Reports > Holds

Hold Details Report
Shared Folders > Templates > csharp > csharp-shared > Holds

Identify Hold Requests for Items my Library Does Not Own

By User

Count of Patrons Who Placed Title Holds on Items Not Owned by a Library in a Date Range
Shared Folders > Templates > csharp > csharp-shared > Holds

Holds by User Including Notification Method
Shared Folders > Templates > csharp > csharp-shared > Holds

Patron Hold Notifications
Shared Folders > Templates > csharp > csharp-shared > Holds

By Requesting Library

Hold requests for any library
Shared Folders > Templates > csharp > csharp-shared > Holds

Hold Requests Within a Date Range
Shared Folders > Templates > csharp > csharp-shared > Holds

By Sending Library

Count of Hold Transits by Sending Library and Send Date
Shared Folders > Templates > csharp > csharp-shared > Holds

Outgoing Hold Transits by Month
Shared Folders > Templates > csharp > csharp-shared > Holds

By Pickup Library

Count of Holds by Pickup Library and Shelf Time
Shared Folders > Templates > csharp > csharp-shared > Holds

Incoming Hold Transits by Month
Shared Folders > Templates > csharp > csharp-shared > Holds

List of Hold Shelf Items by Owning Library Including Pickup Library
Shared Folders > Templates > csharp > csharp-shared > Holds

reports/holds.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/23 17:42 by tmccanna