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Add Records

There are various methods that can be used to add order records to selection lists or purchase orders. Brief records can be created manually, order records from vendors can be loaded, Evergreen reports can be used to identify and load records from the catalog, and the OPAC’s View/Place Orders button for Staff can be used to add records to a selection list or purchase order.

Brief Records

Brief records are short bibliographic records with minimal information that are often used as placeholder records until items are received. Brief records can be added to new or existing selection lists or to new or pending purchase orders.

Add a Brief Record to an Existing Selection List or Purchase Order

Adding brief records to a selection list or purchase order is largely the same process.

1. Open your selection list (via Acquisitions→My Selection Lists) or your purchase order (via Acquisitions→Purchase Orders.)

2. From within the selection list or purchase order, select Actions→Add Brief Record.

3. Enter the bibliographic information into the desired fields and click Save Record.

Title is a required field. Depending on the type of item, ISBN, ISSN or UPC are required.

4. The new line item has now appeared on your selection list or purchase order. However, do note that beneath the title you will see “link to catalog.”

You will need to link this line item to a record in the catalog.

<fc #ff0000>If you do not link this to a record in the catalog, your order will not activate.</fc>
(See: Link Line Items to the Catalog.)

Create a Brief Record and Add it to a Selection List

1. Select the New Brief Record toolbar button OR Select Acquisitions→New Brief Record from the Menu Bar.

2. From the Add to Selection List drop down menu, choose a selection list or enter the name of a new selection list in the field.

The drop down menu displays the ten selection lists most recently edited that are owned by the user.

3. Enter the bibliographic information into the desired fields and click Save Record.

4. A new line item appears on your selection list.

Add a Brief Record to Purchase Order

1. Open or create a purchase order. See creating a purchase order for more information.

2. Click the Actions menu, then Add Brief Record.

3. Enter bibliographic information in the desired fields and click Save Record.

4. A new line item appears on your purchase order.

Copies will be automatically added to the line item if you have set a default number of copies for the provider.

5. To add additional brief records, select Actions > Add Brief Record for each additional record you wish to add.

View/Place Orders

You can use View/Place Orders to easily order additional copies of an item that is already in the catalog.

Load Catalog Record IDs is more effective when working with a list of additional copies of titles to be ordered.

One example use of View/Place Orders is to reorder a title that you already own that may have been damaged or lost.

1. Open the bibliographic record of the title you wish to purchase.

2. Select the Other Actions menu, and choose View/Place Orders.

3. It should open a new tab in your browser. From here you should see the title, and buttons to Add to Selection List, Add to Purchase Order, or Create Purchase Order.

4. Click the ticky box next to the line item, and then choose one of the following options–

<fc #ff0000>Add to Selection List</fc>

Clicking this button will bring up a pop-up. Choose either Save as Selection List and type in the name of a NEW selection list, or Add to Selection List and type in the name of an EXISTING selection list created by any user at your library. This is a predictive text field and will start to auto-populate options as you start typing.

<fc #ff0000>Add to Purchase Order</fc>

This will bring up a pop-up. Fill in the purchase order NAME of an existing pending purchase order that you would like to add the title to. This is a predictive text field will start auto-populating as you type.

<fc #ff0000>Create a Purchase Order</fc>

This will bring up a pop-up to create a new purchase order. Ordering Agency and Provider are required fields. Once you have completed the form, click Submit.

Load Catalog Record IDs

The Load Catalog Record IDs function enables you to create line items from a list of catalog records whose record IDs are saved in a CSV file.

This is useful if you want to order copies of items that your organization already owns. For example, you run a copy/hold ratio report to identify how many copies you have available compared to the number of holds that are on your Hot Fiction display. You decide that you want to order an extra copy of six titles. Your copy/hold ratio report includes the record ID of each title. You can save the record IDs into a CSV file, upload the file into Evergreen, and create a purchase order for the items.

Record IDs are auto-generated digits associated with each record. They are found in the Record Summary that appears at the top of each record in the catalog.

If you only want to order additional copies of one or two titles then using View/Place Orders is faster.

1. Create a CSV file with the record ID of each catalog record in the first column of the spreadsheet. You can create this CSV file from a spreadsheet generated by a report, as suggested in the aforementioned example. You can also copy and paste record IDs from a catalog record into a spreadsheet that you then save as a CSV file.

2. Save the CSV file to your computer.

3. In Evergreen, select Acquisitions→Load Catalog Record IDs.

4. Click Load More Terms.

5. Locate the desired file and click Open.

6. The screen will display the number of terms (record IDs) that have been loaded. Clicking Load more terms again will allow you to load an additional file of record IDs.

7. Click Retrieve Records.

8. The records will appear as line items.

9. You can save the line item(s) to a selection list, create a purchase order or add to a purchase order.

  1. Save the line item(s) to a selection list by checking the box(es) adjacent to the desired line item(s) and selecting Actions→Save Items to Selection List.
  2. Either Save as Selection List and type in the name of a new selection list, or Add to Selection List and type in the name of any existing selection list created by any user at your library.
  3. Create a purchase order from the line item(s) by checking the box adjacent to the desired line item(s) and selecting Actions→Create Purchase Order.
  4. Add the line item to an existing purchase order by checking the box adjacent to the desired line item(s) and selecting Actions→Add to Purchase Order.

Load MARC Order Records

Load MARC Order Records is the main method of loading bib records into the database and creating either a selection list and/or purchase order.

Load MARC Order Records is also colloquially as “LMOR” or “Vandelay.”

It is located via Acquisitions→Load MARC Order Records.


There are a few prerequisites for using the Load MARC Order Records page.

  1. You must have already created at least one provider
  2. You must have already created at least one fund
  3. You must have already set up MARC downloads in your vendors' website(s)
  4. PINES staff must have already set up your 962 holdings tags in your provider profile(s)
  5. [If using grids] Grid info from vendor websites must exactly match branch and fund (if applicable) info in Evergreen

Vandelay Settings

The fields shaded in pink are <fc #ff0000>required</fc> fields. If you neglect to fill out these fields, you will either immediately receive an error message or your upload will not process correctly. The fields shaded in yellow depend on what kind of upload you are doing.

To create a purchase order but no selection list:

  • Check “Create Purchase Order”
  • Leave “Add to Selection List” blank

To create a selection list but no purchase order:

  • Leave “Create Purchase Order” unchecked
  • Select an already created selection list from the “Add to Selection List” drop-down box

To create a purchase order and add to a selection list:

  • Check “Create Purchase Order”
  • Select an already created selection list from the “Add to Selection List” drop-down box

The secondary portion of the LMOR screen are all settings defined by PINES. These fields are all sticky, so you should only have to set them once and they will already be set the next time you access the screen. Your page should match the settings below: Record Match Set: PINES General Matchset
Merge Profile: Match-Only Merge
Import Non-Matching Records: [checked]
Record Source: Acquisitions Import
Merge on Exact Match (901c): [unchecked]
Merge on Single Match: [unchecked]
Merge on Best Match: [checked]
Best/Single Minimum Quality Ratio: 0.0
Insufficient Quality Fall-Through Profile: Match-Only Merge
Load Items for Imported Records: [unchecked]

Performing an Upload

To upload a MARC file that you have downloaded from your vendor, you may open Vandelay by going to Acquisitions→Load MARC Order Records.

Review the section above on Vandelay Settings to ensure your settings are correct for the type of upload you will be doing.

Provider: This is a predictive text field; you may type the first few letters of one of your providers' codes to locate the provider.

Context Org Unit: Should be set at your system level.

Or create a new queue: As noted above, this is a required field. Name the queue something unique that has not been used before but that makes sense to you.

File to upload: Click “Choose File” to open your Windows folder explorer and locate your MARC file that is to be uploaded.

Click Upload.

Once you click Upload, you will see the progress bar spinning.

If your upload is smaller (less than 10 titles or so), you will probably receive the confirmation that your upload is complete below the spinning progress bar.

If your upload is larger or a fair amount of time has gone by and you have not received the confirmation links, review the section below to check and see if your upload is complete.

Checking if Queue is Complete

There is an ongoing bug affecting PINES where doing larger (10+ titles) uploads, the LMOR screen does not update when the upload is complete. The upload progress bar remains running indefinitely.

As a workaround, you are able to check if your queue is complete before searching for it via the Purchase Order or Selection List searches.

After beginning your upload, and giving it a few minutes (5+), you may continue with these instructions.

Open a new tab in Evergreen. Leave your tab open that has your upload running.

From this new tab, select Cataloging→MARC Batch Import/Export.

Click Inspect Queue.

Alternately, you can go directly there with this link:

You will see a list of your queues, along with a Yes/No if your queue is done. You should see the queue that you just started, which will probably also say “Complete: No”.

Double-click on the row, and you will be able to see more information about your queue. Primarily you are interested in two numbers in the Queue Summary: Records in Queue and Records Imported.

Records in Queue is the total number of titles that your upload contains. Records Imported is the number of titles that have been processed. When the two numbers are the same, your upload is complete.

Because this page is scoped to your specific queue, you are able to reload the page as you'd like. This way you can open the page for your queue, then occasionally refresh the page to see if your upload is complete.

Once your queue is complete, you may close the tab with your upload.

If you did an upload that created a purchase order, you may locate your new purchase order by going to Acquisitions→Purchase Orders and doing the following search:

PO - Ordering Agency [is] [YOUR SYSTEM]
PO - Creation Time [is] [TODAY'S DATE]

If your upload included a selection list, you can locate your selection list by going to Acquisitions→My Selection Lists.

acq/addrecords.1592502159.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/06/18 17:42 by tlittle