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Discard/weed: Marking Items for Deaccessioning

Staff with cataloging or circulation permissions can place items to be removed from the collection in discard/weed status. Marking items discard/weed makes the item non-circulating, non-holdable, and invisible in the public facing OPAC. Depending on local workflow for item deletion, after items are marked discard/weed, staff can place them in item buckets to share with cataloging staff for deletion or catalogers can rely on regular reports to identify items in discard/weed status. Since items can be placed in discard/weed from several menus, cataloging staff that use buckets from circulation staff for deletion should also run reports to identify other items in the status. Cataloging staff can delete as needed from discard/weed.

With this functionality, there is no need for circulation staff to mark deaccessioned items missing or damaged during the weeding process. Those statuses can be reserved for actual lost and damaged items.


Marking an item discard/weed is controlled by the MARK_ITEM_DISCARD permission. Most staff accounts are set to mark only those items in their library system as discard/weed. Marking an item outside the login’s system results in an override request.

The permission COPY_DELETE_WARNING.override is also needed so that the process can proceed for some statuses.

Locations of Mark Discard/Weed

The discard/weeding marking option presently occurs from menus on both the list and detail views of:

  • Item Status:

cat/marking_items_discard_weed.1547506377.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/14 22:52 by ehardy