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Outsourcing Policies: Cat1 functions - Copy and original cataloging

No vendor will be evaluated for PINES cataloging unless it first has a potential client library within PINES . Initial contact with the PINES Cataloging Specialist concerning the potential vendor must come from the PINES library and not the vendor.

Outsourcing Policies

Before a contract is signed between a vendor and a PINES outsourcing library, the vendor’s work will be evaluated by PINES Cataloging Specialist. Once a PINES library informs the PINES Cataloging Specialist of a new vendor to be approved and provides the vendor’s cataloging contact person, the Specialist will contact the vendor to start the evaluation process.

If the vendor is approved for cataloging for the PINES library, the head cataloger of the library system will be responsible for training its new vendor on how to use OCLC and Evergreen. The Specialist will assist in vendor training if needed.

A member library planning to outsource its original or copy cataloging must have a fully trained PINES cataloger (Cat1) who will ensure the quality of all vendor work.

Before an agreement is signed between a vendor and a library for outsourcing work, the vendor must agree to follow PINES policies and procedures and cataloging specifications for original cataloging as specified in this document.

To ensure analysis and approval of the vendor’s qualifications, outsourcing libraries must send written notification of the intention to outsource as early in the process as possible to the PINES Director. In no case should outsourcing workwork begin before the vendor is approved by PINES

Outsourcing libraries will use their own OCLC authorizations for their vendors’ original cataloging on the OCLC utility. OCLC requires the completion of a third-party agreement form for a new vendor to use the client library’s OCLC authorization to the OCLC cataloging utility. The library will fill out OCLC third party agreements with their vendors for use of the OCLC authorizations and they will send the original documents to OCLC directly, with copies to the PINES Director.

Prior to working for PINES libraries, vendors must have a demonstrated ability to create quality, full-level MARC records following PINES and national standards in OCLC’s WorldCat.

Failure to sustain PINES standards for original and copy cataloging will result in immediate notification to the contracting library that the vendor has exceeded the specified error rate. It is the library’s responsibility to ensure that the vendor’s work meets the standards set by PINES for all cataloging work; failure to address significant problems may result in the suspension of the library’s Cat1 access to PINES.

Vendor records should maintain an overall error rate less than 5%.
Duplicate records added to the OCLC database will constitute an error rate of 100% for that record.

For original Cataloging, PINES requires that full-level cataloging MARC21 blank or 1 Encoding level, OCLC I or K Encoding level) records be created for all English language materials.

Prior to working for PINES libraries, vendors must have a demonstrated ability to create quality, full-level MARC records following PINES and national standards in OCLC’s WorldCat.

Policies for CAT1 Functions as an Outsourcing Option


If a PINES member library system wishes to investigate the possibility of outsourcing Cat1 functions, the following conditions must be met:

  • A member library planning to outsource its copy and original cataloging must have a fully-trained PINES cataloger (Cat1) on staff who will ensure the quality of all vendor work.
  • The director and the primary Cat1 staff member of a PINES member library systems utilizing the services of an outsourcing vendor for Cat1 functions are responsible for reviewing the work done in PINES on its behalf and will be responsible for the quality of all vendor work and that the vendor adheres to PINES cataloging policies.
  • All outsourcing vendor will be expected to adhere to the same Cataloging Standards that are required from any Cat1 user.
  • All outsourcing vendor will be expected to add only Full MARC records to the PINES database, as is required from any Cat1 user. This includes upgrading any CIP (Cataloging-in-Process) records before adding these records to the PINES database.
  • Batch-loading of bibliographic records into the PINES database is not an option for either current CAT1 users or outsourcing vendors, as this may result in the duplication of bibliographic records; this is in direct conflict with one of the stated goals of PINES to create and maintain a union catalog.
  • Cataloging Profiles, usually requested by a vendor in order to define specifications, should be reviewed by the PINES Cataloging Specialist in order to ensure consistency and quality in the PINES database.
  • Prospective vendors must agree to hold GPLS and OCLC harmless for access and access time to the PINES and OCLC databases.
  • The PINES Cataloging Specialist should monitor the Cataloging Standards of the vendors who receive Cat1 authorization and will, as part of a continuing monitoring process, identify the most reliable/responsible outsourcing vendors and report any problems/discrepancies to the PINES member library contracting with the vendor. Progress reports may also be shared with the Cataloging Subcommittee.
cat/outsourcing_policies.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/03 14:07 by ehardy