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Original bibliographic records for PINES member library resources should be created in OCLC using the OCLC Connexion Client and then imported into the PINES database upon completion. No record should be created solely in the PINES database. Original records created in OCLC should be full level (“I” ELvl (Encoding Level)) if at all possible. RDA and other relevant national standards should be used.

Training for original cataloging of monographic resources in OCLC is mandatory for all PINES catalogers except those with recent experience in original cataloging using OCLC software and the WorldCat database. Copy catalogers wishing to perform original cataloging should arrange for training with the PINES Cataloging Specialist.

Currently, PINES offers original cataloging training for books, sound recordings, and visual material formats, the three dominant formats of resources throughout PINES member library systems. If a system needs to catalog a resource of any other format, the system’s head cataloger should keep the PINES Cataloging Specialist informed so that additional training and or assistance may be offered.

cat/original_cataloging_policies.1534196471.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/10/11 20:15 (external edit)